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Informacioni sistem Agencije
za ljekove i medicinska
sredstva Crne Gore
Institucionalni razvoj sa informatickim
Information System of Agency
for Medicines and Medical
Devices of Montenegro
Institutional Development with the
Touch of IT
Agenciju za lijekove i medicinska sred-
stva (CALIMS) osnovala je Vlada Crne sa za-
datkom da se na visokostrucan i odgovoran
nacin povea stepen funkcionisanja sistema
zdravstvene zastite, posebno segmenta regi-
stracije lijekova i medicinskih sredstava,
obezbeivanjem kvalitetnih, bezbjednih,
efikasnih i racionalno upotrebljenih lije-
kova, do nivoa standarda zemalja Evropske
unije, te da zajedno sa drugim instituci-
jama zdravstvenog sistema osigura ocuvanje
zdravlja i poboljsanje kvaliteta zivota ljudi.
Razvoj i implementacija informacion-
og sistema CALIMS podijeljen je u dvije faze.
Prvom fazom projekta izgraen je moderan
informacioni sistem kojim su obuhvaeni
svi kljucni procesi u Agenciji (registraci-
ja lijekova i medicinskih sredstava, izda-
vanje dozvola za uvoz, obnova registracija,
Agency for Medicines and Medical
Devices of Montenegro (CALIMS) was
founded by the Government of Montenegro
with the aim of increasing the level of the
functioning of the health care system in a
highly competent and responsible manner,
especially related to the segment of medicines
and medical devices registration, by providing
quality, safe, efficient and rationally used
medicines, up to the EU standards, and,
together with other health care institutions, to
ensure the preservation of health and higher
quality of life of people.
The development and implementation
of the information system of CALIMS was
divided into two phases. The first phase of
the project included the construction of a
modern information system which includes
all key processes at the Agency (registration