8 8
- voenje javnih nabavki i elektronska
razmjena podataka sa Agencijom za javne
- podrska funkcijama platnog prometa,
plaanja troskova zdravstvene zastite, te
elektronskog knjizenja izvoda trezora
- voenje jedinstvene evidencije osiguranih
lica Fonda u skladu sa odgovarajuim Za-
konskim propisima i Pravilnicima Fonda
- kompletna podrska informacionog sistema
u oblasti utvrivanja i koristenja prava iz
zdravstvenog osiguranja kao sto su: re-
fundacije zdravstvenih usluga i lijekova i
refundacije bolovanja, rad prvostepenih i
drugostepenih ljekarskih komisija, knjizenje
faktura i recepata
- mogunost provjere prava na zdravstve-
no osiguranje u zdravstvenim ustanovama
preko veb servisa za preuzimanje podataka
o osiguraniku
- centralno zakazivanje pregleda za mag-
netnu rezonancu i kompjuterizovanu to-
mografiju za sve zdravstvene ustanove u Re-
publici Srpskoj cime je znatno smanjena lista
- kompletno voenje evidencija Porodicne
medicine, porodicnih ljekara i timova
- podrska ugovaranju zdravstvene zastite
osiguranih lica sa zdravstvenim ustanova-
- podrska procesima odlucivanja i planiranja
kroz kvalitetnu prezentaciju informacija na
svim organizacionim nivoima.
Postoji niz prednosti koje je donijelo
uvoenje informacionog sistema u Fondu
zdravstvenog osiguranja Republike Srpske
od kojih su najvaznije: objedinjavanje svih
podataka o osiguranim licima i uplatiocima
doprinosa, formiranje potpune evidencije o
koristenim pravima iz zdravstvenog osigu-
ranja, te elektronsku razmjenu informacija i
obrada faktura sa inostranim zdravstvenim
Tehnologije koje su se koristile su:
mrezni operativni system Microsoft Win-
dows 2008/2012 Server, operativni sistem
za radne stanice Microsoft Windows XP
Professional/Windows 7/Windows 8, rela-
ciona baza podataka Microsoft SQL Server
2008/2012, razvojni alat Microsoft Visual
Studio .NET C#, te alat za izradu izvjestaja
Crystal Reports.
- Conducting public procurement and
electronic data interchange with the Public
Procurement Agency
- The support for payment functions, payment
of health care costs, and electronic accounting
of Treasury excerpts
- Maintaining the unique records of persons
insured by the Fund, in accordance with
appropriate legislation and the Regulations of
the Fund
- Full information system support in the area
of determination and using the health isurance
rights like: refunds of medical services and
medicines and reimbursement of sick leaves,
the work of first and second degree doctors'
comitees, entry of invoices and recipes
- The possibility of verifying the right to health
insurance in health care facilities using the
web service to retrieve data about the insured
- Central scheduling of MR examinations
computerized tomography for all health
institutions in the Republic of Srpska,
significantly reduced waiting lists
- Complete records of family medicine, family
physicians and teams
- Support in negotiation between the insured
persons and health institutions
- Support for planning and decision-making
processes through quality presentation of
information at all organizational levels.
There are a number of advantages which
the introduction of an information system in
the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of
Srpska brought, and the most important are:
unificaton of the data on insured persons and
the ones that pay the contributions, forming
a complete record of the utilized health
insurance rights, and electronic information
exchange and processing of invoices with
foreign health insurances.
The technologies that were applied
are: Network Operating System: Microsoft
Windows 2008/2012 Server; Operating system
for workstations: Microsoft Windows XP
Professional/Windows 8; Relational Database
Menagment System: Microsoft SQL Server
2008/2012; Development tool: Microsoft
Visual Studio .NET; Programming language:
C#; Reports: Crystal Report.