kao i korisenje softvera poput Microsoft®
PowerPoint® i Adobe® Photoshop®.
Ove vestine omoguavaju studentima
da dobiju globalno priznatu ICDL kvali-
fikaciju, pasos do zaposlenja koji je priznat u
150 drzava sirom sveta. Uz pristup racunaru
i vestinama za njegovo korisenje, hiljade
studenata iz slabije razvijenih zajednica
dobie ICDL kvalifikaciju koju mogu isko-
ristiti za ulazak na trziste rada ili pokretanje
svog mikro-poslovanja.
ICDL i Computer Aid e saraivati na
priblizavanju ovih mogunosti veem bro-
ju studenata, na brzi i ekonomicniji nacin.
Organizacija Computer Aid e obezbediti
racunare fakultetima i obrazovnim centri-
ma, dok e ECDL fondacija pomoi u dosti-
zanju standard kvaliteta potrebnih za obuku
prema ICDL programu.
Sporazum o saradnji je potpisan u
odeljenju organizacije ICDL Africa Forum
u Najrobiju, a potpisivanju je prisustvovalo
120 delegata iz cele Afrike, koji su zeleli da
saznaju kako da svojim zajednicama priblize
vestine upotrebe racunara.
Adobe® Photoshop®.
These skills enable students to gain
the globally recognised ICDL qualification,
a passport to employment that is recognised
in 150 countries around the world. By
having access to computers and the skills to
use them, thousands of students in deprived
communities are able to gain the ICDL and
use it to enter the employment market or
create their own micro-business.
ICDL and Computer Aid will work
together to bring these opportunities to
more students, more quickly and more
cost effectively. Computer Aid will supply
computers to colleges and training centres,
which ECDL Foundation will help to reach
the quality standards needed to teach the
ICDL programme.
Their new collaboration agreement was
signed at the ICDL Africa Forum in Nairobi,
which was attended by 120 delegates from
across Africa, keen to learn how to bring
to their communities more computers and
training in IT skills.