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odei svjetski satelitski ope-
rater Eutelsat potvrdio je da
e i drugo izdanje New Eu-
rope Marketa, NEM 2014, koje e se odrzati
od 10. do 13. juna, poduprijeti dijamantnim
NEM se ve nakon prvog izdanja
etablirao kao vodei content market u regiji
s tematskim panelima o aktualnim temama
trzista i najnovijim trendovima u industriji
te prezentacijama nekih od najutjecajnijih
ljudi u industriji. NEM 2014 svoje e sudi-
onike ugostiti u Dubrovackim vrtovima
be held at the Dubrovnik Sun Gardens and
Radisson BLU Resort & Spa; where the
Mediterranean atmosphere will provide for a
more relaxing and conducive networking and
business environment.
Eutelsat quickly recognized NEM's
influence at its first ever edition, NEM 2013.
Apostolos Triantafyllou, Senior Vice President
of Sales at Eutelsat for Central & Eastern
Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, said in
a statement regarding Eutelsat's Diamond
he leading global satellite
operator, Eutelsat, has confirmed
that it will once again be the
Diamond Sponsor for the 2nd annual New
Europe Market, NEM 2014, which will be held
from June 10th to June 13th.
After its first edition, NEM has
established itself as the leading content market
in the region; offering various thematic panels
that provide insight into the newest industry
trends, and cutting-edge presentations from
some of the most influential figures in the
global television industry. NEM 2014 will
sunca, u hotelu Radisson BLU Resort & Spa,
mjestu gdje networking i poslovni sastanci u
mediteranskom okruzenju dobivaju ugoaj
prijateljskoga druzenja.
Eutelsat je snagu NEM-a prepoznao
ve u svom prvom izdanju, NEM-u 2013, a
o drugom zaredom dijamantnom sponzo-
rstvu na NEM-u Apostolos Triantafyllou,
Eutelsatov visi potpredsjednik za prodaju
u Sredisnjoj i Istocnoj Europi, Kavkazu i
Sredisnjoj Aziji, rekao je:
Eutelsat drugi put
sponzor NEM-a
Eutelsat will be NEM's
Diamond Sponsor for a
second time in a row
Eutelsat drugu godinu zaredom podupire New Europe Market, najvee
okupljanje medijskih profesionalaca u Sredisnjoj i Istocnoj Europi,
dokazujui njegovu vaznost i utjecaj u regiji
For a second time in a row Eutelsat will sponsor the New Europe Market,
the largest gathering of media professionals in Central and Eastern Europe;
proving to be an important and influential market in the region