kreativnost tj. ,,snalazljivost" koju smo kao
narod stekli tokom visevekovnih kriznih pe-
rioda u nasoj istoriji."
Martin Kern iz delegacije EU prezen-
tovao je program ,,Kreativna Evropa 2014-
2020", putem kojeg e Evropska komisija sa
1,5 milijardi eura pomoi projekte iz oblasti
kulture i kreativnih industrija.
has come, i.e. the period of the new creative
economy in which creativity is a value
"resourcefulness" in which we as a nation
have gained centuries of experience during
crisis periods in our history."
Mr Martin Kern from the EU
delegation, presented the program "Creative
Europe 2014-2020", through which the
European Commission will aid projects in the
field of cultural and creative industries with
EUR 1.5 billion.
Mr Ivan Lali, Director of Mixer said
that "the current success of the creative sector
in Serbia is the result of individual effort,
while for the next phase of development we
require association and strong publicprivate
partnership with the state".
During two day, the Conference was
attended by over 500 representatives of
the professional community, academics,
journalists, students, and interested citizens.
Ivan Lali, direktor Miksera istakao
je da su ,,Dosadasnji uspesi kreativnog sek-
tora u Srbiji posledica individualnih napora,
dok nam je za sledeu fazu razvoja potrebno
udruzivanje i snazno javno privatno part-
nerstvo sa drzavom".
Konferenciju je tokom dva dana poseti-
lo preko 500 predstavnika strucne javnosti,
akademskih radnika, novinara, studenata i
zainteresovanih graana.
Mr Dusan Kovacevi,
EXIT Festival director