vom i poznavanjem regionalnog trzista, koji
im moze pomoi u analiziranju toga sta im je
potrebno i dobijanju najbolje ponude.
Napomenuo bih, da su obe vrste usluga
za organizatore dogaaja besplatne.
The other way is to contact our professional
team, which gathers the professionals with a
long-lasting experience and a good knowledge
of the regional market, and who will help them
in analysing of the information they need and
giving the best proposal.
I need to mention that both types of
services we offer for the event organizers are
free of charge.
The Best Solutions, as South East Europe
Meetings Industry Association, was founded
2006, with basic aim to unite and develop
the meetings industry in the region. They
developed specialized internet portals www. i
At the end of 2009, SEEbtm magazine (SEE
Business travel & meetings) a specialized
magazine for business travel and meetings
industry of South-Eastern Europe, was
launched. As the first regional magazine
dedicated to the business and congress tourism
and event management, whose research,
interviews, news, trends, practices, and other
topics represented in all the countries of South-
Eastern Europe, attracts the attention with
each issue, offers knowledge and experience
exchange, and has the influence on development
of the meetings industry in the region.
The Best Solutions, kao Asocijacija
kongresnog i poslovnog turizma regiona
Jugoistocne Evrope, osnovana je 2006. go-
dine, sa osnovnim ciljem objedinjavanja i
razvoja kongresne industrije regiona. Do
sada su pokrenuli i razvili specijalizovane
regionalne portale www.kongresniturizam.
com i Krajem 2009. go-
dine, pokrenut je i SEEbtm magazin (SEE
business travel & meetings), specijalizovani
casopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni
turizam jugoistocne Evrope. Kao prvi re-
gionalni casopis posveen poslovnom i kon-
gresnom turizmu, organizaciji dogaaja i
event menadzmentu, cija su istrazivanja, in-
tervjui, novosti, trendovi, primeri iz prakse,
i ostale teme zastupljene iz svih zemalja
jugoistocne Evrope, privlaci paznju svakim
brojem, omoguava razmenu znanja i iskust-
va, i utice na razvoj kongresne industrije re-