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Spominjali ste visekriterijumske
nacine pretrage. O cemu se zapravo radi?
Organizatori dogaaja dolaze iz raznih
industrija i profesija. Svaki dogaaj ima sop-
stveni cilj, ciljnu grupu, budzet. Kriterijumi
za izbor prostora i odgovarajue agencije su
razliciti. Stoga, polazna tacka za pretragu
nije svakome ista.
Iz tih razloga, razvili smo mogunosti
pretrage koje osiguravaju da svaki korisnik
portala, na njemu najlaksi nacin, doe do
potrebne informacije. Tu je klasicna pretraga
po vrsti prostora ili po vrsti usluge koja je
potrebna. Za one ciji je pocetni kriterijum za
izbor hotela ili agencije, geografska lokacija,
tu je pretraga po mapi. U slucaju kada je za
organizaciju dogaaja primarna informacija
da li postoje direktni letovi od lokacije dele-
gata do same destinacije, razvijena je inova-
tivna i jedinstvena pretraga po letovima. Ona
daje informaciju iz kojih sve zemalja postoje
direktni letovi do zemalja Jugoistocne Ev-
rope, sa informacijom koje avio kompanije
saobraaju na tim relacijama.
Kad smo kod pretrage prema prostori-
ma, ne mogu da ne spomenem i detaljnu pre-
tragu, koja omoguava organizatorima da u
You were talking about multiple-
criteria searching methods. What is it actually
Event organizers come from various
industries and professions. Each event has its
own goal, the target group and the budget. The
criteria for selection of venue and appropriate
agency are different. Therefore, the starting
point for searching does not have to be the
same for everybody.
From that reason, we have developed
the possibility of searching which ensures that
each user of the portal can find necessary
information in the easiest way for them.
There is a classical search by venue or by type
of service that is needed. For those whose
starting criterion for choosing hotel or agency
is a geographic location, there is a search by
map. In case when the crucial information
for event organization is whether there are
direct flights from the starting location to
the very destination, there is an innovative
and a unique search by flights. It gives the
information about the countries which have
the direct flights to the SEE countries, with
the information which airlines fly on those