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Prezentacije IBM resenja odvijale su
se u cetiri paralelna bloka: Mobility and
Social Business, Cloud and Smarter Infra-
structure, Big Data, Security and Smart In-
frastructure Solutions, pa su prisutni mogli
da izaberu teme koje ih interesuju i o kojima
The presentations of the IBM solutions
were conducted in four parallel sections:
Mobility and Social Business, Cloud and
Smarter Infrastructure, Big Data, Security
and Smart Infrastructure Solutions, thus
the attendees had the opportunity to choose
"Mobilnost tehnologije je dosegla nove granice, sa 91% korisnika koji
sve vreme drze svoj mobilni ureaj na dohvat ruke. Neverovatnih 2.5
kvintiliona bajtova se generise svakog dana."
Randolph Moorer, potpredsednik softverske grupe za Centralnu i
Istocnu Evropu
"The mobility of technologies has reached new limits, with 91% of
users keeping their mobile devices close at hand. The amazing 2.5
quintillion bytes are generated every day."
Mr Randolph Moorer, Vice President of the Software Group for
Central and East Europe
zele da saznaju vise. Na predavanjima se
govorilo o modernizaciji poslovnih komu-
nikacija u preduzeima kroz social software,
pametnom upravljanju uslugama i imovi-
nom, sveobuhvatnom pristupu upravljanju
mobilnim ureajima, Pure sistemina, up-
ravljanju heterogenim storage sistemima..
Pored predavanja postojala je mogunost i
da se uzivo prate demonstracije IBM resenja
u Live Demo Areni, u kojoj su IBM eksperti
the subjects they are interested in and
want to acquire more information on. The
presentations focused on modernization of
business communications in enterprises via
social software, smart services and resources
management, complete access to mobile device
management, Pure systems, and management
of heterogeneous storage systems. Apart
from the presentations, the visitors had the
opportunity to attend live IBM solution demos