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ECDL Advance ­ Advanced Text Editing,
Advanced Spreadsheets, Advanced
Databases and Advanced Presentations.
Candidates now have the opportunity to
verify their IT knowledge by choosing desired
modules according to the requirements of
their work and personal preferences. That free
choice constitutes a personal ECDL Profile
which can be extended and complemented
during life.
Napredni ECDL - napredna obrada
teksta, napredne tabelarne kalkulacije,
napredne baze podataka i napredne pre-
Kandidatima je tako omogueno da
sopstvenim izborom modula verifikuju
svoje informaticko obrazovanje u skladu sa
potrebama posla i licnim afinitetima. Taj
sopstveni izbor cini licni ECDL Profil koji se
celozivotno moze dopunjavati i prosirivati.
U sklopu foruma predstavljena je i
,,Strategija obrazovanja znanosti i tehnologije
Republike Hrvatske"o kojoj je govorio profe-
sor Tomislav Filetin, a predsednik Hrvatske
udruge poslodavaca u obrazovanju Mislav
Balkovi govorio je o Hrvatskom kvali-
fikacijskom okviru (HKO) kao podsticaju za
razvoj obrazovnih programa u ICT-u (infor-
maciono komunikacionim tehnologijama).
Odrzan je i okrugli sto na koje se
raspravljalo o nacinu poveanja regionalne
digitalne pismenosti, a na kraju foruma na-
cionalni koordinatori ECDL-a iz zemalja
regije govorili su o stanju i planovima veza-
nim za uvoenje novog ECDL-a u njihovim
The Forum also hosted the presentation
of the "Strategy for Science and Technology
Education in the Republic of Croatia" by
Professor Tomislav Filetin, and Mr Mislav
Balkovi, President of Croatian Employers
Association in Education spoke about
Croatian Qualification Framework as the
incentive for the development of educational
programmes in the ICT field.
Also held was the round table which
focused on the opportunities for raising the
level of regional digital literacy, and at the end
of the Forum, national ECDL coordinators
from the regional countries spoke about the
state and plans related to the implementation
of the new ECDL in their countries.