and dedication to face new technologies and
challenges each new day brings."
In order to understand the present better,
it is necessary to go back to the past. In 1973,
an electrical engineer Robert Metcalfe wrote
the first memo regarding connecting printers
and PCs, while Martin Cooper from Motorola
made the first phone call using a mobile
phone. In that very year of 1973 in former
SFRY, and organization of associated labour
"Plasman biro" was founded. They made light
speed progress just like the technologies they
dealt with, and in 1989 they became IBIS-SYS
and in 2005 they became a part of Siemens,
and since 2011 they have been a part of Atos
Group. Although the company has changed its
names, countries and ownership, it has never
lost its direction, remaining faithful to its core
business it has been developing and improving
continuously throughout four decades.
Atos is present in 42 countries with
78,500 employees. The company offers detailed
market expertise, with a broad and impressive
service portfolio, starting from consulting,
poznavanju puteva budunosti i resenosti da
se suoce kako sa novim tehnologijama, tako i
sa izazovima koje donosi svaki novi dan."
Kako bismo bolje razumeli sadasnjost,
neophodno je da zavirimo u proslost. Godine
1973. fizicar Bob Metkalf napravio je prvu
belesku o povezivanju personalnih racunara
sa stampacima, a Martin Kuper iz Motorole
obavio je prvi telefonski razgovor mobilnim
telefonom. Bas te 1973. godine u tadasnjoj
SFRJ osnovana je organizacija udruzenog
rada "Plasman biro". Napredovali su brzinom
svetlosti, kao i tehnologije kojima se bave, te
su 1989. godine prerasli u IBIS-SYS, zatim
2005. postali deo kompanije Siemens, a od
2011. godine deo su grupacije Atos. Iako je
kompanija menjala nazive, drzave i vlasnicku
strukturu, nikada nije gubila kompas, te je
ostala verna svojoj osnovnoj delatnosti koja
se kroz ove cetiri decenije kontinuirano raz-
vija i unapreuje.
Atos je prisutan u 42 drzave, sa 78.500
zaposlenih. Kompanija nudi detaljnu ek-
spertizu trzista, sa sirokim i impresivnim