dogoditi, dok Mrsi smatra da nema koristi
od spajanja ciji bi motiv bila samo obrana od
preuzimanje, jer e i nova regionalna kom-
panija biti premala.
Panel ,,Pogled preko plota" donio je
pregled medijske scene svih trzista regije.
Direktor Imago agencije Damir Ciglar re-
kao je da Hrvati tjedno gledaju 17,5 sati tele-
vizije, 15 sati provode surfajui internetom,
15,5 sati slusaju radio, a sveukupno tjedno
medije konzumiraju 56 sati. Nova TV je
najgledanija televizija, 24 sata najcitanije su
novine, Gloria je najcitaniji magazin, a ti-
tula najslusanijeg radija pripada Narodnom
radiju. Najposjeeniji portal opet je 24sata,
a drugo mjesto drzi Index. U Sloveniji je
broj zaposlenih u agencijama pao za 20 pos-
to, a plaa im je manja od prosjeka drzave.
Podravka. On the other side, Mr Zvonimira
Mrsi, the Head of the Board at Podravka, is
not interested in joint venture, but he is more
interested in cooperation which would lead
towards accessing other markets, and he has
found his partner, TDR, which recently opened
a production facility in Iran. Mr Kosti is
convinced that everything is heading towards
regional integration and that it will definitely
happen, while Mr Mrsi thinks there are no
benefits from joining with the aim to defend
from acquisition, since the new regional
company would remain small.
The panel discussion "A Look over the
Fence" brought an overview of the media
landscape in all markets in the region. Director
of the Agency Imago, Mr Damir Ciglar, said
that Croatians watch TV for 17.5 hours a week,