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e 11 godina, poslednjeg vi-
kenda u septembru, Fakultet
za menadzment iz Srem-
skih Karlovaca organizuje meunarodnu
naucno-strucnu konferenciju "Na putu ka
dobu znanja", cija osnovna tema ove godine
je "Ljudski kapital".
Prvog dana konferencije, predstavljen
je veliki broj radova, koji ovu temu obrauju
sa filozofskog, psiholoskog, obrazovnog i
organizaciono-menadzerskog aspekta.
S obzirom na aktuelnost potreba za
ljudskim kapitalom u oblasti informacionih
tehnologija, drugog dana konferencije or-
ganizovan je okrugli sto sa temom "Ljudski
kapital u IT industriji". To je bila prilika da
se razmene iskustva u ovoj oblasti, izvedu
or 11 years during the last
weekend in September, the Faculty
of Management from Sremski
Karlovci has organized the International
scientific conference "Towards the Knowledge
Era", and this year's main topic was "The
Human Resources".
A large number of papers, which
examine this topic from the philosophical,
psychological, educational, and organizational
and managerial aspects, were presented at the
first day of the conference.
Given the current need for human
resources in the IT field, on the second day
the Conference hosted the round table with
the topic "Human Resources in IT Industry".
It was an opportunity to exchange experience