sahranjena su dva velikana srpske kul-
ture: Dositej Obradovi i Vuk Stefanovi
Saborna crkva u Beogradu spada
meu najvee crkvene graevine podignute
u Knezevini Srbiji. Vezuje se za prelomnu
etapu u razvoju srpske umetnosti 19. veka i
njeno priblizavanje zapadnoevropskim toko-
vima. Znacajna je i kao katedralni hram gra-
da za koji su vezani mnogi istorijski dogaaji
iz proslosti Beograda i Srbije.
Staresina crkve, Otac Petar Luki roen
je 1. januara 1948. godine u selu Zlijebac,
opstina Bratunac, Republika Srpska. Osnov-
no obrazovanje zavrsio je u mestu Fakovi,
a Bogosloviju Svetoga Kirila i Metodija u
Prizrenu. Diplomirao je na Bogoslovskom
fakultetu u Beogradu. Rukopolozen je u cin
akona u Tuzli 1971. godine, a u prezvitera
u Tesnju, iste godine. Kao svestenosluzitelj u
Bijeljini sluzbovao je od 1971. do 1982. go-
dine, kada prelazi u Beograd i biva postav-
ljen za staresinu Sabornog hrama. Predsed-
nik je Prvog beogradskog pevackog drustva,
hora Saborne crkve, kao i Pravoslavnog pa-
stirsko-savetodavnog centra Arhiepiskopije
Wishing to thank the Church and father
Petar, and to mark this occasion but also to
help further work and networking between
church officials, JISA took the opportunity to
donate a computer to the Cathedral Church
along with the call for all interested, priests
regardless of the church they belong to, to
apply for free ECDL training.
The Cathedral Church in Belgrade is
one of the most important churches, historical
and cultural monument of the Serbian
people. Today's church was built from April
28 1837 to November 8, 1845 on the order of
Milos Obrenovi. It is dedicated to Archangel
Michael, patron saint of Prince Milos, who
had the church built as his endowment. The
church was designed by Franc Janke modeled
on the Serbian church in Sremski Karlovci,
in the style of classicism with late baroque
In the church are the relics of St. Tsar
Uros and St. Despot Stefan Stiljanovi, as
well as the graves of the church leaders from
Obrenovi dinasty (Milos, Mihailo and
Milan). In front of the main entrance, two
famous people from the Serbian culture were
buried: Dositej Obradovi and Vuk Stefanovi
The Cathedral Church in Belgrade is
among the largest church buildings constructed
in the Principality of Serbia. It is linked to the
breaking point in development of Serbian art
of the 19th century and its progress towards
western trends. It is also important as the city
cathedral since many historical events in the
past were connected with it.
The head of the Church, father Petar
Luki was born on January 1, 1948 in the
village of Zlijebac, municipality Bratunac,
Republic of Srpska. He finished the elementary
school in Fakovi, and Seminary of St. Cyril
and Methodius in Prizren. He graduated from
the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade.
He was ordained as a deacon in Tuzla in 1971
and as a presbyter in Tresanj in the same
year. He served as a celebrant in Bjeljina from
1971 to 1982, when he moved to Belgrade to
become the head of the Cathedral Church. He
is the President of the First Belgrade Singing
Society, the Cathedral Church Choir, as well
as the Orthodox Pastoral Advisory Centre of
the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac.