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poklonila i jedan kompjuter Sabornoj crkvi
uz poziv da svi zainteresovani svestenici
bez obzira kojoj crkvi pripadaju, mogu
dobiti i besplatnu ECDL obuku za rad na
Saborna crkva u Beogradu svrstava se u
red najznacajnijih crkvenih, istorijskih i kul-
turnih spomenika srpskog naroda. Danasnja
crkva graena je od 28. aprila 1837. godine do
8. novembra 1845. godine po nalogu kneza
Milosa Obrenovia. Posveena je arhanelu
Mihajlu, krsnoj slavi kneza Milosa, koji je
crkvu dao zidati kao svoju zaduzbinu. Crkvu
je projektovao Franc Janke po ugledu na srp-
sku crkvu u Sremskim Karlovcima, u stilu
klasicizma sa elementima kasnog baroka.
U crkvi se nalaze mosti svetog cara
Urosa i svetog despota Stefana Stiljanovia,
kao i grobnice crkvenih poglavara i srp-
skih vladara iz dinastije Obrenovi (Milosa,
Mihaila i Milana). Ispred glavnog portala,
sprouts from Hilandar,
in order to create a
certain eternal watch
for the fallen fighters
in the First World
Exactly ten years ago, a group of JISA
members visited Hilandar and brought
several seeds from the cypress trees back to
Belgrade. As usual, from one of them, a young
"hilandarian" started to grow in the premises
of JISA. Watered with love, it soon reached
the ceiling, after which he was moved to stairs
between floors, finally to reach the height when
it could not stay it the pot. Exactly ten years
after planting it, thanks to the kindness of the
head of the Orthodox Church in Belgrade,
father Petar, and also on the anniversary of a
tragic death of our dear colleague and a great
painter, Mr Slavko Tepavcevi, a portraitist
who painted many portraits of our members
on conferences, the same group returned the
cypress tree from Hilandar to the Church,
planting it at the specific place, near the main
tower of the Cathedral Church, to eternally
preserve the memory of Sveti Sava, Simeon,
Hilandar, Zeytinlik,...