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anastir Hilandar je izgra-
dio grcki monah svetogo-
rac, Georgije Helandarios
na rusevinama ranijeg
vizantijskog manastira
Helandariona, koji je osnovan pocetkom XI
veka. Delovi tog najstarijeg Hilandara postoje
i danas na jugozapadnoj strani manastira, a
to su pirg Svetog ora i spoljni odbrambeni
zid prema jugu i prema zapadu uz koji su iz-
nutra prizidani konaci i trpezarija. Manas-
tir su obnovili Stefan Nemanja (u monastvu
Simeon) i njegov sin Sava 1198. godine. Tad
je vizantijski car Aleksije III Aneo izdao
povelju Simeonu i Savi kojom se manastir
Hilandar i svetiliste u Milejama daruju ,,da
Srbima budu na vecni poklon". Car je pristao
da to ucini, posto su bile ispunjene i ocuvane
forme, i posto je molba imala pristanak celog
svetogorskog bratstva. U periodu od 1198. do
ilandar Monastery was built
by a Greek monk George
Helandarios, on the ruins
of a previous Byzantine
which was built at the beginning of the 11th
century. The oldest parts of Hilandar still
stand at the south-west area of the monasterz
and those are the tower of Saint George and
outer defensive wall towards the south and
west adjacent the quarters and dining room.
The monastery was rebuild by Stefan Nemanja
(known by his monastic name of "Simeon")
and his son Sava in 1198. The ancient cell of
Helandaris was donated by Emperor Alexios
III Angelos "to the Serbs as an eternal gift..."
The emperor agreed to do this because the
forms were preserved and filled, and because
the appeal was approved by the whole brother
hood of the Holy Mountain. In the period
1200. godine Simeon i Sava su podigli crkvu
Vavedenja Bogorodice, koja danas ne postoji,
pirg Svetog Save, Kambanski pirg zvonara i
keliju Svetog Simeona.
Sa zavrsetkom izgradnje Simeon se
preselio u Hilandar sa prilicnim brojem
kaluera. Hilandaru je dodeljeno i neko-
from 1198 to 1200, Simeon and Sava founded
the Church dedicated to the Presentation of
the Blessed Virgin Mary, which does not exist
today, the tower of Saint Sava, Kamban bell
tower and St Simeon cell.
After finishing the construction, Simeon
moved to Hilandar with a quite large number