European Grand
Coalition for Digital Jobs
Fiona Fanning, generalni sekretar CEPIS-a, predstavlja zalaganja Saveta evropskih
strucnih informatickih drustva za pokretanje CEPIS e-Competence Benchmark,
interaktivnog alata za IKT strucnjake koji odreuje njihove kompetencije i koji e
funkcionisati zajedno sa novim ECDL profilima. Iza su Alexa Joyce, visi rukovodioc
za korporativni razvoj, European Schoolnet, Yvon Le Roux, potpredsenik u kompaniji
CISCO, Frédéric Michel, evropski direktor za odnose sa javnosu i komunikacije,
Telefónica Europe, Markus Schwarz, visi potpredsednik, Global SAP Education i ga
Neelie Kroes, potpredsednica Evropske komisije i komesar Evropskog komesarijata za
Digitalnu Agendu.
CEPIS Secretary General, Fiona Fanning, Presenting the pledges of Council of
European Professional Informatics Societies launch the CEPIS e-Competence
Benchmark a free online interactive tool for ICT professionals to identify their
competences and ECDL foundation launch the new ECDL, a flexible certification that
allows the creation of profiles matching individual or organisational needs. - in front of
Alexa Joyce, Senior Corporate Development M anager, European Schoolnet, Yvon Le
Roux, Vice President, CISCO, Frédéric Michel, Europe Director of Public Affairs and
Communications, Telefónica Europe, Markus Schwarz, Senior Vice President, Global
SAP Education and Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission and
European Commissioner for Digital Agenda.
CEPIS i evropska nacionalna strucna
informaticka drustva e pokrenuti alat-
ku CEPIS e-competence Benchmark kao
podrsku Grand koalciji Evropske komisije.
Sve vea potraznja za IKT strucnjacima
je otezana ne samo nedostatkom priliva novih
strucnih kadrova ve i neodgovarajuim spa-
janjem kompetencija koje strucnjaci danas
poseduju. Iako IKT nudi poslove koji odol-
evaju aktuelnoh krizi, Evropa trenutno ne st-
vara dovoljan broj talenata sa vestinama koji
mogu da poveaju konkurentnost. Strucna
tela iz IKT sfere i informaticka udruzenja koja
su clanice CEPIS-a prepoznale su potrebu za
smanjenjem jaza izmeu priliva i zahteva i
obavezale su se da preduzmu mere kako bi
se odnos promenio i promovisala strucnost
u polju IKT.
CEPIS and Europe's National
Professional Informatics Societies to Launch
the CEPIS e-competence Benchmark in
Support of the European Commission's Grand
The increasing demand for ICT
Practitioners is hampered not only by the lack
of new entrants into the profession, but also
by the mismatches in the competences that
Practitioners have today. While ICT provides
crisis-resistant employment, Europe currently
isn't producing the talent with the right skills
to boost competitiveness. The ICT professional
bodies and informatics societies that are the
members of CEPIS recognise need to reduce
the gap between supply and demand and
commit to taking action to redress the balance
and promote ICT Professionalism.