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CDL Core i Start su nivoi
osnovne informaticke pis-
menosti prema evropskim
standardima. Ali u Agen-
ciji za lekove i medicinska
sretstva Srbije opredelili su se i za nastavak
specijalizacije rada na racunariima do ek-
spertskog nivoa po ECDL Advanced stan-
dardima i to:
· Advanced Modul 3 - Obrada teksta,
· Advanced Modul 4 - Tabelarne kalkulacije,
· Advanced Modul 5 - Baze podataka,
· Advanced Modul 6 - Prezentacije.
Uspesnim polaganjem svih Advanced
ispita dobili su ne samo ECDL Advaced
sertifikate, za svaki pojedini modul ve i
CDL Core and Start
are the basic evels of IT
literacy according to the
EU standards. However, at
the Medicines and Medical
Devices Agency of Serbia, they decided to
continue the computer training up to the
expert level according to the ECDL Advanced
· Advanced Module 3 ­ Word Processing,
· Advanced Module 4 - Spreadsheets
· Advanced Module 5 - Databases,
· Advanced Module 6 - Presentation.
After passing all Advanced exams
successfully, they received not only ECDL
Advanced certificates for each individual
ECDL Expert sertifikati
u Agenciji za lekove i
medicinska sredstva
ECDL Expert Certificates at the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia