e se odrzati za godinu dana u Sociju tece
prema rasporedu.
Tehnoloska laboratorija je minijaturna
verzija 26 takmicarskih lokacija i predstav-
lja mesto gde e IT sistemi za svaki sporski
dogaaj i lokaciju biti ispitan kroz seriju tes-
tova. Otvaranje laboratorije oznacava pokre-
tanje vise od 100.000 sati IT testova. Oni e
obuhvatiti 70 sportskih probnih dogaaja
najvei broj probnih dogaaja na Zimskim
olimpijskim igrama kao i dve tehnicke
probe tokom kojih e biti testirano do 500
razlicitih scenarija kako bi se osiguralo da
poslovni tehnolozi kompanije Atos, teh-
nologija i procedure su spremne da odgovore
zahtevima u bilo kojoj situaciji tokom Igara.
Zimske olimpijske igre u Sociju 2014.
godine e biti najvee do
sada sa 12 novih sports-
kih disciplina najvei
broj novih disciplina
najvei broj novih
disciplina uvedenih na
Zimskim olimpijskim
igrama. Po prvi put, bie
uvedene discipline ski-
janje za muskarce i zene
kao i paralelni specijalni
slalom i ski skokovi za
zene, mesovita biatlon
stafeta, timsko umetnicko klizanje i timska
stafeta na sankama.
Kada je rec od tehnologiji, Zimske
olimpijske i paraolimpijske igre u Sociju 2014
e obeleziti prvo korisenje servisa myInfo +
koga koriste stampani i elektronski mediji za
proveru informacija ukljucujui i raspored
takmicenja, broj medalja, vremensku prog-
nozu i vesti, a servis e biti dostupan na svim
will be the biggest yet with 12 new sports
events the largest number of new events
at any Olympic Winter Games. For the first
time, there will be for both men and women
slopestyle and halfpipe ski; slopestyle and
parallel special slalom as well as ski jumping
for women, mixed Biathlon relay, figure
skating team vent and luge team relay.
Technology Lab now
fully operational and
test events underway
Kada je rec od tehnologiji, Zimske olimpijske i paraolimpijske
igre u Sociju 2014 e obeleziti prvo korisenje servisa myInfo+
koga koriste stampani i elektronski mediji za proveru informacija
ukljucujui i raspored takmicenja, broj medalja, vremensku prognozu
i vesti, a servis e biti dostupan na svim mobilnim ureajima.
For technology, the Sochi 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter
Games will also mark the first time that myInfo+ a service used
by print and broadcast media to check information including the
competition schedule, medal ranking, weather reports and news
feeds will be available on all mobile devices.
Winter Games are all on track.
The Technology Lab is a miniature
version of the 26 Olympic and Paralympic
Winter competition venues and is where the
IT systems for every sports event and venue
will be put through a series of tests. Its opening
marks the launch of more than 100,000
hours of IT testing. This includes 70 sport test
events the largest number of test events for
any Olympic Winter Games as well as two
technical rehearsals during which up to 500
different scenarios will be tested to ensure that
the Atos Business Technologists, technology
and procedures are ready to respond to any
situation that could arise during the Games.
The Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games