state institutions and agencies. The speakers
also underlined the significance of the youth
offices regarding the implementation of
activities related to youth entrepreneurship
and promotion of youth employment.
Over 120 youth offices throughout Serbia
participate in solving the youth employment
issue, while 33 offices have already developed
and adopted action plans related to the youth
entrepreneurship. Also, the awards for the
most innovative campaign, the most active
school within the programme Achievements
of Young People and the most active youth
office were handed out. At the end of the
event, presenters provided the overview of
currently active programmes funded by the
governments of the Republic of Serbia and
zaposljavanja mladih. Preko 120 kancelarija
za mlade sirom Srbije aktivno ucestvuje u
resavanju problema zaposljavanja mladih,
a 33 kancelarije su ve razvile i usvojile ak-
cione planove za omladinsko preduzetnistvo.
Urucene su nagrade za najinovativniju novu
kompaniju, najaktivniju skolu u programu
Dostignuca mladih i najaktivniju kancelariju
za mlade. Na kraju dogaaja dat je i pregled
trenutno aktivnih programa, koje finansiraju
Vlade Republike Srbije i Nemacke.