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through four panel discussions that gathered
representatives of state institutions,
international organizations, youth offices
and company owners.
The cooperation between the USAID's
Economic Security Project and youth offices,
Government of the Republic of Serbia and
domestic private and public sector resulted in
entrepreneurship training activities for more
than 1,800 young people, while hundreds
found an employment or started their own
companies. Internship was made possible for
over 850 students from the south of Serbia and
Sandzak. Career Development Centres were
established in Novi Pazar and Bujanovac,
and more than 8,000 people were engaged
in the programme Achievements of Young
People in Serbia. The aim of the event was to
promote the importance and advantages of
youth entrepreneurship through discussions,
real life examples and experience of young
entrepreneurs that were a part of the Project,
and to influence the authorities to devote
more attention to this issue. Among others,
speeches were made by the Minister of
Youth and Sports Ms Alisa Mari, Mission
Director of the USAID Mission to Serbia Ms
Susan Fritz and the Head of the European
Integration Section Mr Freek Janmaat. They
spoke about the importance of development
of youth entrepreneurship, current trends in
the employment field in Serbia and the world,
as well as the importance of the support from
institucija, meunarodnih organizacija,
kancelarija za mlade i vlasnici kompanija.
Saradnjom USAID-ovog Projekta za
jacanje ekonomske sigurnosti sa kancelari-
jama za mlade, Vladom Republike Srbije
i domacim privatnim i javnim sektorom,
omoguene su obuke iz preduzetnistva za
vise od 1.800 mladih, a stotine njih je naslo
ili zapocelo sopstveni posao. Staziranje je
omogueno za vise od 850 studenata iz juzne
Srbije i Sandzaka. Osnovani su centri za kar-
ijerno voenje u Novom Pazaru i Bujanovcu,
a vise od 8.000 mladih je aktivno u pro-
gramu Dostignua mladih Srbije. Dogaaj
je imao za cilj da kroz diskusije, primere
iz stvarnog zivota i iskustva mladih pre-
duzetnika koji su bili deo podrske Projekta,
promovise znacaj i prednosti omladinskog
preduzetnistva, kao i da utice na nadlezne da
vise paznje posvete ovom pitanju. Skupu su
se obratili, izmeu ostalih, i ministarka om-
ladine i sporta Alisa Mari, direktorka misije
USAID u Srbiji Suzan Fric i sef za evropske
integracije Delegacije Evropske Unije u Srbiji
Freek Janmaat. Oni su govorili o znacaju raz-
voja omladinskog preduzetnistva, sadasnjim
trendovima na polju zaposljavanja u Srbiji
i svetu, kao i o znacaju podrske od strane
drzavnih institucija i agencija. Govornici su
takoe istakli znacaj kancelarija za mlade
u sprovoenju aktivnosti za jacanje om-
ladinskog preduzetnistva i promovisanje