Dear readers,
I dedicate this foreword
to the story from the cover
Melbourne, the second
largest city in Australia
and the capital city of
the state of Victoria, is a trade and financial centre,
with modern architecture, cultural diversity, and
numerous opportunities. The city is extremely attractive
and interesting with many parks along the Yarra
River, which flows through the city centre. Based on
the organization of the health system, environment,
cultural offer, education, and infrastructure,
Economist Intelligence Unit
has chosen Melbourne
two years in a row as the most desirable place to live
out of all cities in the world.
One of the most ambitious and perhaps most
controversial architectural projects ever realized in
Australia is Federation Square in Melbourne, a
usually crowded cultural, move and trade centre,
internationally recognized as one of the largest public
places in the world. The project is the result of the
computer technique and represents a reflection of new
trends in architecture; it was designed to accommodate
10,000 people. It includes: Tourist Centre, National
Gallery of Victoria, Australian Centre for the Moving
Image ACMI, film, TV and new media promotion
company Cinemedia, SBS Radio & TV Station,
Atrium, as well as many restaurants.
Every year in January, Melbourne hosts a tennis
tournament, Australian Open, the first Grand Slam
tennis event of the year. The primary courts are the Rod
Laver Arena
, which is at the same time the largest,
and the Hisense Arena and Margaret Court Arena,
the third largest court. Australian Open has been won
by the largest number of tennis players, compared to
other Grand Slam tournaments. This year, Novak
okovi, currently the best tennis player, conquered
the Rod Laver Arena for the third time consecutively,
fourth in total. At the Australian Open, okovi was
twice the title defender. He has also become the only
player in the Open era that has won the Australian
Open three times in a row and achieved the record on
the total number of titles alongside Agasi and Federer
(4). This has been the first tournament which okovi
won more than three times.
Dubravka Dukic
Postovani citaoci,
Uvodnu rec posveujem prici sa naslovne strane.
Melburn, drugi po velicini grad u Australiji i
prestonica Viktorije, trgovinski je i finansijski centar,
sa modernom arhitekturom, kulturnom sarolikosu
i bezbrojnim mogunostima. Grad je izuetno lep
i zanimljim sa mnostvom parkova na obe strane
reke Jare, koja prolazi kroz centar ovog velelepnog
grada. Na osnovu ureenosti zdravstvenog sistema,
okoline, kulturne ponude, sigurnosti, obrazovanja
i infrastructure, Economist Intelligence Unit dve
godine za redom proglasava Melburn najpozeljnijim
gradom za zivot, meu svim svetskim metropolama,
Jedan od najambicioznijih ali mozda i
najkontroverznijih arhitektonskih projekata ikada
realizovanih na podrucju Australije je Federation
u Melbournu, centar kulture, filma, trgovine i
uobicajene gradske guzve, meunarodno priznat kao
jedan od najveih svetskih
javnih prostora. Projekat
ovoga trga proizasao
je iz kompjuterske
tehnike i odraz je novih
tendencija u arhitekturi a
kreiran je da primi deset hiljada ljudi. U okviru njega
su: Turisticki Centar, Nacionalna Galerija, Australijski
filmski Centar, Cinemedia, kompanija za promociju
filma, televizije i novih medija, SBS Radio i TV
stanica, Atrium kao i mnostvo restorana.
Svake godine u januaru u Melburnu se odrzava teniski
turnir, Otvoreno prvenstvo Australije, prvi grend
slem turnir u godini. Centralni teren je Rod Laver
koja je ujedno i najvea, potom sledi Hisense
i Margaret Court Arena koja je trei teren
po velicini. Otvoreno prvenstvo Australije je osvojilo
najvise tenisera od svih ostalih grend slem turnira.
Ove godine, Novak Djokovi, najbolji svetski igrac,
po trei put uzastopno, cetvrti put ukupno, osvojio je
Rod Lejver arenu, Na Otvorenom prvenstvu Australije
okovi je bio dvostruki branilac titule. Tako je
postao jedini igrac koji je u Open eri osvojio Otvoreno
prvenstvo Australije tri puta zaredom i izjednacio
rekord Agasija i Federera po broju ukupnih titula (4).
Ovo je bio prvi turnir koji je okovi osvojio vise od
tri puta.
S Postovanjem,
Dubravka Duki
....but Commerce is money