zanima cime se otklanja mogunost da ne-
kim administrativnim propustom ona even-
tualno ostane neobraena. Svi podaci su
smjesteni u relacionu bazu podataka cime
je omogueno generisanje razlicitih vrsta
izvjestaja i statistika.
Podnosiocima inicijative/peticije, kao i
potpisnicima podnijetih peticija omogueno
je da veoma lako i korisenjem intuitivnih
procedura pored imena i prezimena i adrese
stanovanja, unesu i druge obavezne licne
podatke ­ JMB i broj licne karte. JMB i
broj licne karte su od trenutka automatizo-
vane kompjuterske kontrolne provjere up-
arivanjem sa podacima Centralnog registra
stanovnistva u cilju validacije inicijative ili
podrske podnosenja zastieni, kriptovani i
nisu dostupni apsolutno nikome u skladu sa
Zakonom o zastiti licnih podataka.
GRAANA ­ E-peticije" imaju obavezu i
obavljanje periodicnih poslova backupa i
ostalih poslova na odrzavanju sistema. Ad-
ministratori CMS dijela mogu proizvoljno
prosirivati (mijenjati) strukturu sajta, kreira-
ti nove strane i mijenjati postojee stranice.
The possibility for the users to follow the
status of the desired petition by themselves,
has also being implemented, which eliminates
the risk of petition being unprocessed, with
any administrative mistake. All of the data is
being placed in the relation database, which
enables generating of the different types of
reports and stats.
The submmiters of the initiative/
petition, as well as the signatories of the
submmited petitions are enabled to, very easily
and by using intuitive procedures other then
the first name, last name, residing address,
enter other necessary personal data ­ CPR
number, and ID card number. CPR number
and ID card number are, from the moment of
automated computer control check-up being
paired with the data from the Central register
of the citizens, aiming to validate the initiative
or support of submmition, being protected,
criptated, and not available to absolutely no
one, in accordance with the Law on protection
of personal data.
The administrators of the Citizens
voice ­ E-petitions portal have the obligation
to perform periodical backup work, as well
as the other work on the
system maintenance. The
administrators of the
CMS part can randomly
extend (customize) the site
structure, create the new
pages, and customize the
excisting pages.
Graficki prikaz
podnosenja peticija
A graffic sheme
of the petitions
submmision process