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fleksibilan i ureen je u skladu sa potrebama
i zahtjevima kojima se postize puna tacnost,
povjerljivost, transparentnost i zakonitost
sprovedenih procedura neophodnih za rad
javnog dijela portala. Ovaj dio portalaima
mogunost da se u produkcionoj fazi zivota
mijenja i prilagoavanovonastalim potre-
bama bez dodatnog programiranja.
Aplikacija e-Peticije je razvijena nad
platformom .NET framework ASP.NET. Za
dio rada sa korisnicima sistema korisen je
Microsoft Membership Provider kao sigurn-
osni sloj koji je preporucen od Microsofta za
sisteme koji se ne oslanjaju na Active Direc-
tory. Popularno ova platforma se jos zove
"Form autentication".
Pocetna strana portala "GLAS
GRAANA E-peticije" sadrzi informacije
o peticijama koje su podijeljene u tri grupe
- najposjeenije peticije, najnovije peticije i
peticije ciji rok glasanja uskoro istice.
Korisnicima su dostupne sve peticije
koje se nalaze na portalu. Peticije je takoe
mogue sortirati po kolonama koje su prika-
zane u gridu. Filtriranje je omogueno i na
osnovu statusa peticije -peticijekoje su izgla-
sane ili peticije cije je glasanje u toku.
Takoe, realizovana je mogunost da
korisnici sami prate status peticije koja ih
The part of the portal being aranged
through CMS (Content managment system)
is completely flexible, and aranged with
needs and requests, achieving full accuracy,
confidentiality, transparency and legality
of implemented procedures, necessary for
operating the public part of the portal. This
part of the portal has the possibility to change
and customize to emerging needs in the
productional phase of its life, without further
E-Petition application has been
developed on .NET framework ASP.NET
platform. The public part of the portal uses
Microsoft Membership Provider as a security
level, for the systems not using Active Directory,
recommended by Microsoft. This form is
commonly also called Form autentification.
Home page of the portal Citizens
voice E-petitions contains information on
petitions divided into three groups the most
visited petitions, the newest petitions, and the
petitions whose deadlines for voting expire.
All of the petitions situated on the portal
are available to the users. It is also possible to
sort them by columns, which are shown in the
grid. The filtration is also being enabled by the
petition status the petitions being voted in,
or the petitions with voting in progress.