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evelopment of continuing
professional development is
a process which enables that
helps teachers and school
managers meet the challenges of their work and
achieve their goals - primarily the promotion
of students' knowledge is the message
sent from the Conference on continuing
professional development, organized by the
British Council in Serbia.
Teachers have to develop professionally
and the promotion of professional
development should be the common goal for
both the teachers and the national, local and
school administration they all have equally
important role in continuing promotion of
professional development.
The Conference was opened by Mr
Tony O'Brien, Director at British Council,
Mr Michael Davenport, Ambassador of the
united Kingdom to Serbia, and Ms Vesna
Fila, Assistant to the Minister of Education,
Science, and Technological Development, and
it was attended by around 200 representatives
of educational, science, and academic
institutions from all over Serbia.
Ms Tatjana Glusac presented the
results of a research done by the British
Council related to professional development
of English language teachers in Serbia, which
indicate that there is an increasing interest
among teachers in both traditional and new
An increasing number of teachers are
using new methods of development, primarily
via the Internet, which gives them greater
choice when choosing the topic and the method,
as well as interactive studying and research in
cooperation with other colleagues.
The British Council has developed and
implemented a professional development
framework based on the concept of evolution
of one's work, knowledge, and competences,
which facilitates further progress, according
to the needs, while the method and time can
be chosen by teachers themselves.
azvoj stalnog strucnog
usavrsavanja je proces koji
omoguava nastavnicima
i skolskim menadzerima
da odgovore na mnoge izazove svog po-
sla i postizu svoje ciljeve - na prvom mestu
unapreivanje znanja ucenika - poruka je
nacionalne konferencije o stalnom strucnom
usavrsavanju nastavnika u organizaciji Bri-
tanskog saveta u Srbiji.
Za nastavnike je neophodno da se
strucno razvijaju i unapreenje strucnog
usavrsavanja treba da bude zajednicki zada-
tak kako nastavnika tako i nacionalne , loka-
lne i skolske uprave i svi oni imaju jednako
vaznu ulogu u kontinuiranom unapreenju
strucnog usavrsavanja.
Na konferenciji koju su otvorili Toni
O'Brajan, direktor Britanskog saveta, Ma-
jkl Devenport, ambasador Velike Britanije i
Vesna Fila, pomonica ministra obrazovanja,
nauke i tehnoloskog razvoja ucestvovalo je
oko 200 predstavnika obrazovnih, naucnih i
akademskih institucija iz cele Srbije.
Dr Tatjana Glusac je predstavila re-
zultate istrazivanja Britanskog saveta o
profesionalnom usavrsavanju nastavnika
engleskog jezika u Srbiji koje ukazuju na to
da postoji sve vee interesovanje nastavnika
kako za tradicionalne vidove tako i za nove
Sve vei broj nastavnika koristi nove
oblike usavrsavanja, prvenstveno na daljinu
{preko interneta }sto im daje veu mogunost
izbora teme i nacina, kao i interaktivno
ucenje i istrazivanje u saradnji sa drugim
Britanski savet je razvio i sprovodi
okvir za strucno usavrsavanje koji se zasniva
na konceptu evolucije sopstvenog rada, zna-
nja i sposobnosti koji svim zainteresovanima
pruza mogunost napredovanje, u skladu sa
potrebama za usavrsavanjem, ali u vreme i
na nacin koji sam nastavnik odabere.
Druga nacionalna konferencija o stalnom strucnom
usavrsavanju nastavnika
Second National Conferenceon Continuing
Professional Development of Teachers