and for raising
competitiveness of
educational system
and economy in
general. Mr ore
Duki, President of
JISA, highlighted
the fact that state
institutions have
used the IPA funds
for promotion of
teacher education
in elementary and
secondary schools,
and that all activities
have been based on individual donation
campaigns and certain training systems mostly
related to the ECDL, Moodle and Microsoft
offer. That resulted in having more than 90%
of these activities being funded with domestic
funds. Should we choose the ECDL standard
more, donations and grants we could receive
in that case would cover more than 50% iof our
needs. Mr Duki stressed that it has already
been done in Montenegro, Hungary, Croatia,
Romani and other countries, and that there
is not a country in the EU that is not using
ECDL in its education. Mr Dusan Raki,
Secretary of the Association of Information
Technologies of the Belgrade Chamber of
Commerce underlined that Europe has clearly
chosen the ECDL Profile as a unified standards
for raising the level of digital literacy and it is
now our job to use the pre-accession funds to
realize this goal, just like all the countries in
the region.
i za podizanje
ti obrazovnog
sistema i privrede
u celini. ore
Duki, predsed-
nik JISA, istakao
je cinjenicu da
domae drzavne
sada nisu do-
voljno koristile
sretstva IPA fon-
dova za unapred-
jenje obrazovanja
nastavnika os-
novnih i srednjih
skola te da su se sve aktvnosti zasnivale na
samostalnim donatorskim akcijama i poje-
dinim sistemima obuke uglavnom vezanim
za ECDL, Moodle i Microsoft ponudu. To je
rezultiralo da se preko 90% ovh aktivnosti
finansiralo domaim sredstvima. Kada bi
se vise opredelili za ECDL evropski stan-
dard, donacije i bespovratna sredstva koja bi
se tada mogla primiti bila bi znatno vea i
pokrila bi vise od 50% nasih potreba. Gos-
podin Duki je istakao da je to ve ucinjeno
u Crnoj Gori, Madjarskoj, Hrvatskoj, Ru-
muniji i drugim zemljama u tranziciji, kao i
da danas vise nema evropske zemlje koja ne
koristi ECDL u obrazovanju. Dusan Raki,
sekretar udruzenja informaticke delatnosti
Privredne komore Beograda istakao je jasno
opredelenje Evrope da koristi ECDL Profile
kao jedinstven standard za podizanje nivoa
digitalne pismenosti i na nama je da sada,
kao i sve ostale zemlje u okruzenju, evropska
sredstva predpristupne pomoi iskoristimo
za realizaciju ovog cilja.