Conditions for Better Placement of Teachers
Meunarodni simpozijum u Zagrebu:
Modernizacija obrazovanja ucitelja i
nastavnika evropske perspektive
transnacionalna saradnja
uslove za
bolji polozaj
the International Symposium held in Zagreb
Modernising Teacher Education in a
European Perspective Translational
Skupu je prisustvovala i Doris Pak (Do-
ris Pack) iz Odbora za kulturu i obrazovanje
Evropskog parlamenta, ministri obrazovanja
iz regiona, predstavnici univerziteta, dok su
iz Srbije u raspravi ucestvovali predstavnici
sa Univerziteta u Kragujevcu i Novom Sadu.
Ministar Obradovi je u svom
obraanju rekao da zahtevi koji se postavl-
jaju pred nastavnika postaju sve komplek-
The Symposium was attended by Ms
Doris Pack, Chairwoman of the Committee
on Culture and Education of the European
Parliament, ministers of education from the
region, representatives of universities, while
Serbia was represented by participants from
the University of Kragujevac and Novi Sad.
In his speech, Minister Obradovi said
that the demands set for teachers are becoming