forum u
a biznis forumu u Istanbulu
predstavljene su mogunosti
za unapreenje ekonomske
saradnje posebno u oblastima poljoprivrede
i prehrambene industrije, proizvodnje au-
tomobila, masinske industrije, proizvodnje
tekstila i turizma, a tokom bilateralnih sus-
reta privrednika dve zemlje ostvareni su i
inicijalni poslovni kontakti.
Potpredsednik Vlade Rasim Ljaji i
predsednik udruzenja TUSKON Rizanur
Meral dogovorili su se da krajem marta u
Beograd doe grupa od 30 privrednika i in-
dustrijalaca iz Turske, kojima e nadlezne in-
stitucije Republike Srbije predstaviti potenci-
jale neprivatizovanih preduzea i preduzea
u restruktuiranju u Srbiji, u cilju privlacenja
novih turskih investicija u nasu zemlju.
Potpredsednik Vlade Rasim Ljaji
ocenio je i da je dosadasnji nivo robne
razmene i turskih investicija u Srbiji nedovol-
jan s obzirom na mogunosti obe privrede i
naglasio da je Srbija najpozeljnija destinacija
za investiranje u regionu, uzimajui u obzir
velicinu trzista, drzavne podsticaje za strana
ulaganja koji se kreu od 4.000. do 10.000
evra po novootvorenom radnom mestu, kao
i poreske olaksice za inostrane ulagace.
Konfederacija biznismena i industri-
jalaca Turske (TUSKON) je najvee poslov-
no udruzenje u Turskoj koje okuplja vise od
120.000 kompanija.
Potpredsednik Vlade Rasim Ljaji se
tokom boravka u Istanbulu sastao i sa Mu-
ratom Jalcintasom, predsednikom Trgovi-
nske komore grada Istanbula, koja ima vise
od 350 hiljada clanova i predstavlja treinu
turske privrede, sa kojim je razgovarao o
mogunostima zajednickog organizovanja
sajamskih manifestacija i intenziviranju sar-
adnje izmeu srpskih i turskih privrednih
he Business Forum in Istanbul
was an excellent chance for
presentation of opportunities for
improving economic cooperation, particularly
in the field of agriculture and food, car, and
machine industry, textile production, and
tourism, while initial business contacts
were made during bilateral meetings of
entrepreneurs from the two countries.
Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Rasim Ljaji
and President of TUSKON Mr. Rizanur Meral
agreed to have a group of 30 entrepreneurs
and industrials from Turkey come to Belgrade
at the end of March to be presented with
potentials of non-privatized companies and
companies in the process of restructuring in
Serbia by relevant ministries, with the aim of
attracting new investments from Turkey into
our country.
Mr. Ljaji said that previous level of
trade and investments from Turkey was
insufficient in comparison to the potential
of both economies and stressed that Serbia
is the most popular investment destination
in the region regarding the market size, state
incentives for foreign investments that range
from 4,000 to 10,000 euros per new job, as
well as tax stimulation for foreign investors.
Turkish Confederation of Businessmen
and Industrialists (TUSKON) is the largest
business association in Turkey, gathering
more than 120,000 companies.
During his stay in Istanbul, Deputy
Prime Minister Mr. Rasim Ljaji also had a
meeting with Mr. Murat Yalçinta, President
of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, which
gathers more than 350,000 members and
represent one third of the Turkish economy.
They talked about the possibilities of joint
engagement regarding fair activities and
promotion of cooperation between Serbian
and Turkish chambers of commerce.