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Potpredsednik Vlade Republike Srbije i ministar spoljne i unutrasnje trgovine i
telekomunikacija Rasim Ljaji i predsednik Konfederacije biznismena i industrijalaca
Turske (TUSKON) Rizanur Meral otvorili su 5. marta u Istanbulu poslovni forum na
kome je ucestvovalo vise od 50 privrednika iz Turske i Srbije.
Mr. Rasim Ljaji, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade
and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia, and Mr. Rizanur Meral, President
of the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON), opened the
Business Forum in Istanbul on 5th of May, which gathered more than 50 entrepreneurs
from Turkey and Serbia.
Business Forum
in Istanbul