zemlje ­ (dodeljuje ga JISA - Jedinstveni
Informaticki savez Srbije u saradnji sa Ev-
ropskim savetom za informatiku i Evrop-
skom privrednom komorom), ali je 2012.
usled izbornih promena ova obuka iznena-
da prekinuta. Planirate li da nastavite ovu
osnovnu informaticku obuku svoga kadra
ili ete to prepustiti prodavcima posle
izvrsenih isporuka?
Ja sam za to da se svi ljudi odmah
obuce da rade na kompjuterima, da ih se ne
boje i da ih koriste najbolje sto mogu. Oni
koji to nee moi da prate mogli bi recimo da
se bave prostim skeniranjem i arhiviranjem,
jer nameravamo da skeniramo svu papirnu
dokumentaciju i prevedemo je u elektronski
oblik. Mimo ovoga mogu vam rei da sam
u Sloveniji uveo tzv. Poreske dane, godisnje
dvodnevno okupljanje nekoliko stotina za-
poslenih s ciljem da se upoznaju i razmene
informacije. Bilo bi dobro da se i ovde orga-
nizuje nesto slicno. To nije gubljenje novaca
kako neki mozda misle. Mislim da emo
uskoro nesto slicno napraviti i ovde, recimo
Dan otvorenih vrata za zaposlene ali i za
poreske obveznike. Tako e se sigurno neke
teskoe brze resiti. Moj princip je da mi u
poslu treba da resavamo probleme, a ne da o
njima pricamo ili ih cak stvaramo.
recognition in our country - (it is awarded
by JISA - Union of ICT Societies of Serbia in
cooperation with the European Council for
Information Technologies and European
Chamber of commerce), but in 2012 due
to elections, this training was suddenly
stopped. Do you plan to continue this basic
IT training of your staff or you will leave
that to the sellers after the delivery of the
equipment has been done?
I vote for having all the people trained
to work using computers, not to be afraid from
them and to use them in the best way they can.
Those who will not be able to keep the pace
could, for example, do simple scanning and
archiving, because we intend to scan all the
paper documents and save it in the electronic
form. In addition, I can say that in Slovenia I
introduced so called Tax Days, an annual two-
day meeting of several hundreds of employees
with the aim of networking and exchanging
information. It is not a waste of money as
some people think. I think that we will soon
do something similar here, for example an
Open Day for employees but also for the tax
payers. In that way, some difficulties would be
overcome more quickly. My principle is that
we should solve problems in our work, not to
talk about them or even create them.
Znak i zastava Poreske uprave
Kad sam dosao u slovenacku Poresku upravu rekao sam da ona mora da ima svoj znak i zastavu.
Brzo smo ih osmislili i cim je objavljena uredba o znaku i zastavi trazio sam da zastavu postavimo ve
sledeeg dana. Posto nisam hteo da cekam na raspisivanje tendera narucio sam prvi primerak kod
jednog privatnika i on mi je napravio za dan, a ja sam je platio. Odmah smo je okacili, ali sam je zato
poneo sa sobom kad sam napustio mesto direktora, jer taj primerak je bio moj. Naravno, sad je imaju
sve filijale, ali moram rei da je u pocetku postojalo veliko protivljenje. Pored toga, danas na svim
dokumentima stoji i znak Poreske uprave ­ a niko se ne buni. Zastavu i znak Poreske uprave zelim da
uvedem i ovde.
The Logo and the Flag of the Tax Administration
When I came to Slovenian Tax Administration, I sad that it had to have a logo and a flag. We came up
with them quickly and as soon as the regulation on the logo and the flag became official, I asked to
put up the flag the very next day. Since I did not want to wait for the announcement of the tender call, I
ordered the first sample and I got it in a day, and I paid for it. We put it up immediately, but I did take it
with me when I let the position of the manager, because that one was mine. Of course, all the branches
have it now, but I must say that in the beginning there was great resistance. In addition, in all documents
there is the logo of the Tax Administration ­ and nobody complains. I wish to implement the flag and the
logo of the Tax administration here as well.