easier. Unfortunately, some older people will
never change. I know what difficulties I had
with the VAT form which includes 15 points.
When they showed it to me, I immediately said
that on third could be excluded, but during
the first three months, when I was an advisor,
nobody wanted to implement my suggestion.
Now, when I have become the manager, I
approved those changes and they have been
implemented. The time required for filling in
the form is now reduced by one third.
It is necessary to provide more tax payers
with the digital certificate or to authorise
their accountants. That is the project we have
been working together with the Association
of Accountants and Revisers of Serbia and
their advisor Snezana Mitrovi. We wish
to persuade tax payers to submit their VAT
calculations electronically. As I have already
mentioned, the calculations from submitted
paper forms are input by Tax Administration
employees, which we will certainly change. In
December 2012, they input data from 50,118
paper VAT returns, and in January 2013, the
number rose to 112,510.
No individual tax return was submitted
electronically in 2012. As a great help and
Zato sam zatrazio da se to promeni i sada
je ima svaki zaposleni. To znaci da poreski
obveznik moze svakom zaposlenom da se
obrati e-postom umesto telefonom koji je
cesto zauzet. I obratno. Sve to je u funkciji
posla, pomoi poreskim
obveznicima i naplati
poreza. Meutim, dok
sam posle toga obilazio
filijale utvrdio sam da
neki jos uvek ne znaju
da imaju elektronsku
adresu ili ne znaju da
koriste e-postu. Zato
emo sigurno pora-
diti na obuci kako bi se
oprema koristila. Za-
posleni treba da shvate
da kompjuter olaksava
posao. Nazalost, neki
stariji ljudi nikada se
nee promeniti. Znam
koliko teskoa sam
imao sa PDV obrascem
koji ima petnaest stavki
za unosenje. Kad su mi ga pokazali odmah
sam rekao da se treina moze skinuti, ali
Najpre bih vam skrenuo paznju na jedan
detalj koji sam uocio po dolasku - samo neki
zaposleni u Poreskoj upravi su imali adresu
e-poste. Zato sam zatrazio da se to promeni i
sada je ima svaki zaposleni. To znaci da poreski
obveznik moze svakom zaposlenom da se
obrati e-postom umesto telefonom koji je cesto
zauzet. I obratno.
First, I would like to draw your attention to a
detail I noticed when I came here only some
employees at the Tax Administration had their
email address. That was why I asked to change
that and now every employee has it. That means
that a tax payer can contact any employee via
an email instead of using the phone which is
frequently busy. And the other way around.