made connections with some local athletes
and sports professionals.
I do not attach much importance to
food, neither in Slovenia nor here.One could
say that I live on sandwiches and yoghurt,
because a year ago I managed to lose 15
kilograms of body weight, and I want to keep
it that way.I come to work in the morning a
bit after 7:30 and I stay until 6, then I go to
my apartment. Around 8 or 9 i go to the gym
and I stay there up until 11. Every day I run
10 kilometres. Then I rest, and the
following day I do the same. Every
weekend I go home and I return
on Sunday evening.
I do not want to go out or
meet anybody in the taverns, on
the one hand because people can
interpret that wrongly, and on
the other hand because I have
never visited those places. Even
when I was a young student, my
colleagues made me check over
the check because I never drank.
As for football, I know all the
managing people here, Karadzi,
Lakovi and Curkovi, and even
Dejan Stankovi, but I do not meet
them. When I was an advisor at
the Tax Administration, I was at
the match Serbia ­ Ireland, and
I will definitely attend matches
when the national team play.
As for myself, I can say that
I have always been a lone wolf.
My life is monotonous ­ job, gym, gob, gym...
Some say to me "It's easy for your", and then
do not know that my first office was in my
apartment, the second one in a basement
without windows, when every two years I
used to move and only since 1998 I have been
on the current location in Ljubljana, on 300
square metres. All those years, I have worked
a lot and managed to create a name and a
certain property.
People in Serbia are glad when they
hear about your Serbian origin. Could you
tell us something about your family, your
parents, their migration to Slovenia and
some parts from your childhood?
My parents are from the village Biosko
near Uzice. They moved to Slovenia late
ma. Recite nam kako vam se sviaju zivot i
hrana u Srbiji i kako ovde provodite slobod-
no vreme ukoliko ga uopste imate. Znamo
da ste vodili slovenacku reprezantaciju na
svetsko fudbalsko prvenstvo u Juznoj Afri-
ci pa nas zanima jeste li se mozda povezali
i sa nekim ovdasnjim sportistima i sports-
kim poslenicima.
Hrani ne pridajem narociti znacaj ni
u Sloveniji, ni ovde. Reklo bi se da zivim od
jogurta in sendvia, jer sam prije godinu
dana smrsao za vise od 15 kilograma pa to
zelim da odrzim. Dolazim na posao ujutro
malo posle pola osam i ostajem do sest, za-
tim odem u stan, a oko osam, devet odlazim
u fitnes i tamo ostajem do jedanaest. Svaki
dan pretrcim deset kilometara. Potom se
odmaram i sledeeg dana opet isto. Svakog
vikenda odem kui i vratim se u nedelju
Ne zelim da izlazim, ni da se s bilo kim
sreem po kafanama, sa jedne strane zato sto
bi to ljudi mogli pogresno da protumace, a sa
druge strane zato sto ni ranije nikada nisam
isao po kafanama. Jos u mladosti i dok sam
bio student, kolege su me zaduzivale da prov-
eravam racun, jer nikad nisam pio.
Sto se fudbala tice znam ovdasnje
vodee ljude, Karadzia, Lakovia i