1 8
the tax payers were relieved, while information
is available 24 hours a day.
Also, sending tax decisions by certified
mail with return receipts (except in cases
of field control) was suspended and now
they are sent with regular mail, resulting in
postal services savings around two million
euros.Also suspended was the input of VAT
returns by using scanning and their electronic
Then, administrative fee in all tax
procedures including all communication
with tax payers was suspended, because the
Tax Administration is the tax payers' service,
and they already pay the tax. All employees
in the control department received electronic
access to the law base, and "Tax Days"
were introduces as a form of education and
networking for tax workers.
In the period from June 13, 2007
to July 1, 2008, Simic was the President
of Intra European Organization of Tax
Administrations (IPTA), and the Slovenian
Tax Administration led the organization. A
few day later, on July 8, 2008, when the Tax
Administration of Slovenia was elected the
best body of Slovenian state administration,
he resigned and left the position of the general
director of the Tax Administration.
Introduction to a more private image
InfoReview wished to present you Ivan
Simic not only as a new, important and
responsible person in the economy sector
of Serbia, but also to emphasize his unique
personality. Namely, this is the first case and a
very useful example that a foreigner has been
employed in a governmental institution
much more frequent is the opposite migration
of employees from the south towards the
north of Ex-Yugoslavia. A simple one hour
conversation done at Simic's office in the Tax
Administration building was started with the
following question:
Scheduling a conference out of the
working hours on Sunday afternoon, together
with your statement that you will visit
each employee at the Tax Administration
throughout Serbia, they indicate a working
character which does not know of the resting
days when something has to be done. Do
you expect to transfer this energy to the rest
of your colleagues?
se obucavanjem poreskih obveznika i izdaju
mesecnu reviju Denar, posveenu porezima.
Osnivac je Poreske akademije Ivana Simica,
koja u okviru Instituta obrazuje poreske
savetnike i sprema ih za ispit za poreskog
savetnika. Institut izdaje licence za poreske
savetnike i trenutno je sa 63 poreska savetni-
ka najbrojnije udruzenje aktivnih poreskih
savetnika sa licencom u Sloveniji.
Od 1. januara 2006. do 17. jula 2008, bio
je generalni direktor Poreske uprave Repub-
like Slovenije (DURS). U to vreme se promen-
io odnos zaposlenih u Poreskoj upravi prema
poreskim obveznicima obveznici su treti-
rani s punim postovanjem i uvazavanjem, a
uvedene su i neke bitne promene i noviteti
procenat elektronski predatih pojedinacnih
prijava za samo godinu dana poveao se
sa 5% na 85%, a poreski obveznici za koje
Poreska uprava ima podatke (njih oko 1,1
milion), ne ispunjavaju vise godisnje prijave
na dohodak graana, ve dobijaju informa-
tivni izracun poreza na dohodak graana,
koji ako je sve u redu, postaje resenje. Pored
toga, za bolju komunikaciju s poreskim ob-
veznicima nabavljena je virtuelna poreska
asistentkinja (zvana Vida), koja ve godina-
ma odgovara na pitanja poreskih obveznika.
Time su rastereeni i zaposleni u Poreskoj
upravi i poreski obveznici, kojima su infor-
macije sada dostupne 24 sata dnevno.
Isto tako, ukinuto je slanje poreskih
resenja preporucenom postom s povrat-
nicom (osim resenja u terenskoj kontroli) i
sada se ona salju obicnom postom, cime je
samo na postarini usteeno oko dva miliona
evra. Ukinuto je i unosenje PDV prijava tako
sto se prvo preslo na skeniranje, a potom na
njihovu elektronsku predaju.
Zatim, ukinuta je upravna taksa u svim
poreskim postupcima odnosno u komu-
nikaciji poreskih obveznika s Poreskom up-
ravom, jer je Poreska uprava servis poreskih
obveznika, koji ve plaaju porez. Svi zapos-
leni u kontroli dobili su elektronski pristup
bazi vazeih zakona, a uvedeni su i ,,Poreski
dani" kao oblik obucavanja i upoznavanja
poreskih radnika.
U periodu od 13. juna 2007. do 1. jula
2008. Simic je bio predsednik Intraevropske
organizacije poreskih administracija (IPTA),
a slovenacka Poreska uprava predsedavajua