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Mr. Simic explained to many media
representatives that two years after the
reorganization and modernization of the
Tax Administration, he will leave the leading
position to a new director who will continue
Extract from the business biography
Mr. Ivan Simic has been working in
the tax and accounting field since 1998- He
is the founder and majority owner of the tax
consultancy enterprise Simic&partnerji d.o.o.
headquartered in Ljubljana, and in 1993,
he was a co-founder of local Tax Advisors
Association and its President for seven years.
The Tax and Education Institute,
founded by the enterpriseSimic&partneri,
deals with the training of tax payers and issues
a two-month review Denar, which focuses
on the tax field. The enterprise also founded
the Ivan Simic Tax Academy, which provides
training for tax advisors and prepares then
for the tax advisor exam within the Institute.
The Institute issues licenses for tax advisors
and with 63 tad advisors, it represents the
largest association of licensed tax advisors in
From January 1, 2006 to July 17,
2008, he was the Managing Director of Tax
· Omoguiti zaposlenima u Poreskoj upravi
i poreskim obveznicima direktnu komu-
nikaciju s direktorom Poreske uprave
· Poseta i kratak radni razgovor sa svakim
zaposlenim u Poreskoj upravi
· Znak i zastava Poreske uprave
· Stvaranje pozitivne klime meu zaposlen-
Pored toga, u okviru sprovoenja korpora-
tivne strategije Poreske uprave (20112015)
nastavie da sprovodi i njenu IT strategiju
kojom su obuhvaene sledee tri oblasti:
· Podizanje kapaciteta Centra za obradu po-
dataka: nadogradnja serverske infrastruk-
ture, prosirenje i modernizacija komu-
nikacionih veza, rekonstrukcija energetske
instalacije i besprekidnog napajanja, zamena
· Modernizacija i zamena dotrajale
racunarske opreme u svim organizacionim
jedinicama (radne stanice, stampaci, sken-
eri) i renoviranje kablovske infrastrukture
(energetske i mrezne).
· Dalji razvoj performansi i funkcionalnosti
portala e-Porezi, publikovanje upita stanja na
portalu, izrada aplikativne podrske za novi
sistem naplate poreza i doprinosa po od-
bitku, elektronska dostava Informativne pri-
Administration of the Republic of Slovenia
(DURS). At the time, the relation between
the employees and tax payers changed tax
payers were treated with full respect and
consideration, and some other changes and
jave, elektronska dostava prijave za godisnji
porez na dohodak graana, centralna elek-
tronska pisarnica Poreske uprave.
Gospodin Simic je objasnio mnnogo-
brojnim predstavnicima medija da e posle