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Obavezujemo se da pokrenemo CE-
PIS e-Competence Benchmark, interaktivni
alat za aktuelne i budue IKT strucnjake koji
mogu da prepoznaju kompetencije koje su
im neophodne, odnosno koje im nedostaju
za razlicite uloge u IKT sektoru, sto e im
omoguiti da se prilagode zahtevima trzista
rada. CEPIS e-Competence Benchmark e
pojedincima i poslodavcima sirom Evrope
a i sire omoguiti da mapiraju svoje vestine
na osnovu velikog broja profila, time se bolje
pripremajui za budue uloge i radna mesta.
Ova alatka e kompanijama omoguiti da
izmere performanse citavih odeljenja, iden-
tifikuju nedostatak radne snage i u skladu sa
tim naprave plan.
Zasnovana je na evropkom Okviru e-
Kompetencija, odnosno zajednickom jeziku
IKT kompetencija koga je kreirao CEN -
European Committee for Standardization i
koji nudi standard na osnovu koga Evropl-
jani mogu bolje da razumeju svoje potrebe
u pogledu aktuelnih i buduih IT uloga na
osnovu IKT profesionalnih profila koje je
razvio CEN.
Svaki pojedinac koji koristi alatku
CEPIS e-Competence Benchmark e dobiiti
analizu nedostatka kompetencija na osno-
vu unetih sposobnosti koje e biti spojene
sa odgovarajuim ulogama. Time se dobija
individualni izvestaj pomou koga se moze
upravljati strucnim usavrsavanjem i olaksati
donosenje odluka u vezi sa obukom i obra-
Nacionalni izvestaj e biti kreiran za
svaku drzavu ucesnicu, na osnovu cega e
biti prikazano realno stanje IKT profesion-
alaca. Ovaj izvestaj ce pruziti informacije
za podrsku politike donosenja doluka kao i
azuriranje informacija za pripremu indus-
trije prema potrebama trzista.
Izvestaj na evropskom nivou e spojiti
sve podatke iz drzava Evrope time stvarajui
osnovu preporuka za donosenje novih
pravilnika radi podrske tekuem razvoju
IKT profesije.
Alatka CEPIS e-Competence Bench-
mark e biti besplatna. Bie promovisa-
na putem evropske mreze informatickih
udruzenja i kompanija kako bi se olaksala
upotreba i pojednostavilo pronalazenje
smera kretanja u IKT profesiji.
We pledge to launch the CEPIS
e-Competence Benchmark, this will be
an online interactive tool for current and
future ICT professionals to identify the
competences they need/lack for various ICT
roles, thus enabling them to adapt to labour
market demand. The CEPIS e-Competence
Benchmark will enable individuals and
recruiters around Europe and beyond the EU
27, to map their competences against a range
of profiles and better equip themselves for
future roles and employment. It will allow
companies to benchmark entire departments,
identify workforce gaps and plan accordingly.
It is powered by the European
e-Competence Framework the common
language for ICT competences created
by the CEN (European Committee for
Standardization) workshop on ICT skills and
therefore provides a standard upon which
Europeans can better understand what
is needed for their current and future IT
roles based on the ICT Professional Profiles
developed by CEN.
Each person who takes the CEPIS
e-Competence Benchmark will receive a
competence gap analysis based on their
declared abilities and matched to suitable
roles. This will provide an individualised
report to steer their professional development
and facilitate their future training and
education decisions.
A national report will be produced for
each participating county that will aggregate
the information for that country, producing a
snapshot of the ICT professional landscape.
This report will provide information to support
policy making, as well as update information
for the training industry on market needs.
A European level report will bring
together all of the data from throughout
Europe and provide a basic for policy
recommendations on future actions to
support the ongoing development of the ICT
The CEPIS e-Competence Benchmark
will be made freely available. It will also be
promoted through the European network
of informatics societies to individuals and
companies to facilitate usage of the e-CF
and better career pathways within the ICT