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Uzivajte u Otvorenom prvenstvu
Francuske 2013. godine uz
Experience the 2013 French
Open with Orange
Francuske po deveti put
zaredom, kompanija Orange
pomaze fanovima tenisa
da prate prvenstvo, dobijaju najnovije vesti
i pristupaju svetu Roland Garosa putem
ekrana po njihovoj zelji bilo da je to mobilni
telefon, tablet, PC ili TV.
Orange 4G mreza na Otvorenom
prvenstvu Francuske po prvi put
Orange 4G mreza e biti dostupna
gledaocima na terenu Filip Satrije po prvi
put, omoguavajui korisnicima pristup
veoma brzom konekcijom za prenos poda-
taka sa njihovih sedista. Orange e takoe
demonstrirati svoje 4G usluge publici na tri-
binama (u ulici Suzan Lenglen), prikazujui
kako na najbolji nacin iskoristiti Otvoreno
prvenstvo putem Orange TV-a i zvanicne
aplikacije Prvenstva na Orange 4G mrezi.
Do sedam prenosa sa terena uzivo
na TV-u, pametnim telefonima, tabletima
i racunarima, u saradnji sa Francuskom
televizijom za potpuni uzitak u Otvore-
nom prvenstvu Francuske.
Kompanija Orange nudi ekskluzivni
paket za ,,vise terena" za pametne telefone,
tablete, i ADSL TV. Produkciju i ureivanje
e obaviti Francuska televizija, i korisnici
kompanije Orange e imati pristup sedam
kanala preko vise ekrana:
koji se odigravaju na svih 7 glavnih terena na
s an official partner of the
French Open for the 9th year
running, Orange is helping
tennis fans to follow the
tournament, get the latest
news and access the world of the Roland-
Garros on the screen of their choice - whether
mobile, tablet, PC or TV.
Orange 4G at the French Open for the
first time
Orange 4G will be available to spectators
at the Philippe-Chatrier court for the first
time, giving customers access to super-fast
data connections from their seats. Orange will
also be demonstrating its 4G services to the
general public at its stand (on Allee Suzanne
Lenglen), showing how to make the most of the
Open via the Orange TV and official French
Open applications on Orange 4G.
Up to seven courts broadcast live on
TV, smartphones, tablets and computers, in
partnership with France Televisions to ex-
perience the French Open to the fullest.
Orange is offering an exclusive "multi-
court" package for smartphones, tablets and
ADSL TV. It will be produced and edited
by France Televisions, and up to 7 channels
will be available to Orange customers across
multiple screens:
on Orange TV: view matches taking
place on all 7 main courts on channel 83
(channels 213 and 219 edited by France