Of Nikola Tesla's
70 Godina od smrti
Nikole Tesle
Exhibition named "70th Anniversary of Nikola Tesla's Death", which
presents less known documents about the funeral of the great scientists, transfer
of his legacy From New York City to Belgrade, and establishment of first days of
the Nikola Tesla Museum, was opened recently in Belgrade. The author of the
exhibition, Ms Milica Kesle, said that this exhibition shows what happened with
the legacy of the great scientists during 15 years after his death. The exhibition
was opened by Mr Vladimir Jelenkovi Director of the Museum.
Izlozba pod nazivom "70 godina od smrti Nikole Tesle", koja obuhvata malo
poznata dokumenta o sahrani velikog naucnika, prenosu njegove zaostavstine iz
Njujorka u Beograd i formiranju i prvim danima Muzeja Nikole Tesle, otvorena
je ovih dana u Beogradu. Autorka izlozbe Milica Kesler rekla je da ova postavka
prati sta se desavalo sa zaostavstinom velikog naucnika tokom 15 godina posle
njegove smrti Izlozbu je otvorio Vladimir Jelenkovi, direktor muzeja.