an exclusive affiliate of Ketchum.
"We are certain that there are a great
number of young and succesfull companies
in Serbia that were waiting for this kind of
opportunity. We believe that we will send to
London an image of successful young people
who have ideas, knowledge and ability to
succeed on a global level - Ljiljana Boljanovi,
director of Olaf & McAteer said, adding:"
"We are excited to have the opportunity to
participate in this project, eagerly waiting for
the results and hoping that one of "ours" will
Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London,
said: "London is a terrific home for technology
start-ups and a world leader in this booming
sector. This competition is an aptly innovative
approach which I hope will unleash even
more of the entrepreneurial talent for which
this city is renowned.'
Minister of State for Business and
Enterprise Michael Fallon, said: "The UK is
a great place to do business, with constantly
improving infrastructure and a skilled labour
force. This initiative can provide a real boost
for entrepreneurship and start-ups with high
growth potential and help to keep London
ahead in the global competition for talent,
innovation and success."
dima koji imaju ideju, znanje i sposobnost da
ostvare uspeh na globalnom nivou" istakla
je Ljiljana Boljanovi, direktorka agencije
Olaf&McAteer i dodala: ,,Uzbueni smo sto
imamo priliku da promovisemo ovakav pro-
jekat, sa nestrpljenjem ocekujemo rezultate i
nadamo se da e neko od ,,nasih" pobediti."
Boris Dzonson, gradonacelnik Lon-
dona rekao je: ,,London je odlican dom za
tehnoloske startape i svetski je lider u ovom
sektoru u usponu. Ovo takmicenje je inova-
tivni pristup koji e, nadam se, izroditi jos
preduzetnickog talenta po kome je ovaj grad
Britanski ministar privrede, Ma-
jkl Felon istice: ,,Velika Britanija je odlicno
mesto za biznis, sa infrastrukturom koja se
konstantno unapreuje i kvalifikovanom
radnom snagom. Ova inicijativa moze biti
pravi podsticaj za preduzetnistvo i startape
koji imaju veliki potencijal za rast i razvoj i
moze pomoi Londonu da ostane na vodeoj
poziciji u globalnom nadmetanju u talentu,
inovacijama i uspehu."
Proces takmicenja:
Prvi krug: zatvara se u 12:00h, 29. avgusta 2013. godine. Ucesnici kreiraju profil na sajtu i odgovaraju na
niz osnovnih pitanja o svojoj kompaniji. Ove informacije e biti dostupne javnosti koja e moi da razmotri
konkretnu ideju i da svoje misljenje.
Procene: Uspesni ucesnici ui e u fazu ocenjivanja, koja e trajati od septembra do novembra 2013.
godine. Ucesnici koji prou ovaj krug takmicenja morae da popune jos jedan detaljan upitnik o svojoj
kompaniji. Proces procene konkurentnosti imae i nekoliko ,,pitch" faza, odn. prezentacija (ili usmeno ili
Poslednji krug: Pobednik e biti proglasen tokom decembra 2013. godine. U ovoj poslednjoj fazi, za sva-
kog od finalista (a bie ih oko 20) bie uraen ,,due diligence". Ziri sastavljen od uspesnih preduzetnika i
investitora izabrae pobednika.
Proces takmicenja vodie kompanija ,,Digital Innovation Solutions" uz podrsku ostalih partnera.
The Million Pound Startup competition process:
Initial round: Closes 12:00 pm on August 29th, 2013. Entrants create a profile on the site and answer a
series of basic questions about their company. This information will be public and people will be encouraged to
examine the idea and provide feedback.
Assessment rounds: Successful applicants will enter the assessment round from September to November
Entrants who have made it through will be required to fill out one or more detailed questionnaires about
their company. The competitive assessment process will include various pitch stages (online or physical).
Final round: The final round and eventual winner will be announced during December 2013. In this
last phase, each of the finalists (approximately 20) will be checked for due diligence. A panel of high profile
entrepreneurs and investors will determine the winner.
The competition process is being run by Digital Innovation Solutions with support from the partners.