The company Atos can be recognized
in the marked by its balanced market focus
and specific skills which contribute to the
business success of its clients. Dedicated to
providing its clients with IT as a tool which
creates additional value in their business,
and not a source of additional expenses,
the company brings innovative solutions,
improves efficiency and reduces costs through
application of information technology. In
fierce competition with the leading world
IT companies, Atos is the largest IT service
providers present in 48 countries of the world,
with revenue of 9 billion euros. With 130
employees, Atos Serbia is currently among the
top three companies in the IT service market.
Partnership which creates new values
Atos and Oracle have a long and
successful history of creating solutions which
add value to business of their clients. Oracle
stands for a one of the most complete IT
companies in the world, since it enables
hardware and software to work together
smoothly. Atos is the third component of this
important system, a sort of a "secret ingredient"
­ business wisdom, added to the mix. Both
companies know their clients and technology,
which enables them to gain a complete insight
into need and a rounded process of products
and services which can satisfy even the most
demanding users.
proizvoda, kreira resenja koja omoguavaju
da hardver i softver rade na nov i izazovan
Kompanija Atos na trzistu je pre-
poznatljiva po izbalansiranom trzisnom
fokusu i specificnim znanjima koja doprino-
se poslovnom uspehu korisnika. Usmerena
na to da svojim korisnicima predstavi IT kao
alat koji stvara dodatnu vrednost njihovom
poslovanju, a ne izvor dodatnih troskova,
klijentima isporucuje inovativna resenja,
unapreuje efektivnost i smanjuje troskove
primenom informacionih tehnologija. U
ostroj konkurenciji sa vodeim svetskim
IT kompanijama, Atos je najvei evro-
pski pruzalac IT servisnih usluga prisutan u
48 zemalja sveta, sa prometom od gotovo 9
milijardi evra. Sa 130 zaposlenih, Atos Srbija
se trenutno nalazi meu prve tri kompanije
na IT servisnom trzistu.
Partnerstvo koje kreira nove vrednosti
Atos i Oracle imaju dugu i uspesnu
istoriju kreiranja resenja koja dodaju vrednost
poslovanju zajednickih kupaca. Oracle vazi
za jednu od najkompletnijih IT kompanija u
svetu jer omoguava da hardver i softver ne-
smetano rade zajedno. Atos predstavlja treu
komponentu ovog vaznog sistema, neku
vrstu ,,tajnog sastojka" ­ biznis mudrost,
koja se dodaje miksu. Obe kompanije pozna-
ju kupce i tehnologiju, sto im omoguava da
imaju kompletan uvid u potrebe i zaokruzen
proces proizvoda i usluga koji moze da zado-
volji i najzahtevnije korisnike.
Globalna iskustva,
lokalna implementacija