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t the 5th annual SrOUG
Conference 2013, the company
Atos, a long-term partner
and the winner of the prestige
Oracle recognition "2012
Special Partner" in the field of hardware
solutions, presented itself as one of the leading
Exadata implementer.
Oracle has integrated discs, data
storage, networks, and databases closely into
the unified Exadatasystem. Implementers
from Atos are credited for adapting this
system to users and enabling management of
large quantities of data, business flexibility,
and IT costs reduction. Thanks to a team of
competent experts, this service has found its
way to 12 clients from 5 countries. Atos has
implemented 29 solutions based on Exadata
platform in several different areas, from
telecommunications, to fashion industry, to
health insurance.
The attendees at this year's SrOUG
Conference had the opportunity to see
how Atos engineers demonstrated magical
components of Exadata platform. Advanced
compression methods enable reduction of
required disc space by 10 times and drastically
increase the data bandwidth. Impressively
fast parallel data processing brings several
advantages for clients. IT systems are only as
good as the results they provide. Thus, Atos
constantly endeavours to create solutions
based on Oracle products, which enable
hardware and software to perform in a new
and challenging way.
ugogodisnji partner i do-
bitnik prestiznog Oracle
priznanja ,,Specijalni par-
tner za 2012. godinu" u
oblasti hardverskih resenja,
kompanija Atos se na 5. godisnjoj SrOUG
konferenciji 2013. predstavila kao jedan od
vodeih Exadata implementatora.
Oracle je cvrsto integrisao diskove,
skladista podataka, mreze i baze podataka
u jedinstveni Exadata sistem. Da bi ovaj
sistem postao servis prilagoen korisnicima
i obezbedio upravljanje velikom kolicinom
podataka, poslovnu fleksibilnost i smanjenje
IT troskova, zasluzni su implementatori iz
kompanije Atos. Zahvaljujui timu kompe-
tentnih stucnjaka ovaj servis je nasao put
do 12 klijenata u pet zemalja. Atos je imple-
mentirao 29 resenja zasnovanih na Exadata
platformi u nekoliko razlicitih oblasti, od
telekomunikacija, preko modne industrije
do zdravstvenog osiguranja.
Prisutni na ovogodisnjoj SrOUG
konferenciji imali su priliku da vide kako
Atos inzenjeri u cetiri koraka demon-
striraju magicne komponente Exadata
platforme. Napredni oblici kompresije po-
dataka omoguavaju desetostruko sma-
njenje potrebnog prostora na diskovima i
dramaticno poveavaju propusnost podata-
ka. Impresivno brze paralelne obrade poda-
taka klijentima svakako donose visestruku
korist u poslovanju. IT sistemi su onoliko
dobri koliko i rezultati koje pruzaju. Atos
zato stalno nastoji da, na osnovu Oracle
Global experience,
local implementation