i slicno, pri cemu je usput istakao da se u
neku ruku tako ponasaju i Atosovi ovdasnji
privredni klijenti, jer jos uvek vise vole da
kupuju opremu nego usluge. Potom je svoj
trojici panelista postavio isto pitanje kako
razvijati poverenje u sistem korisenja IT
usluga i interne odnosno eksterne korisnike
pomerati i motivisati da idu u tom pravcu.
Marjanovi iz NIS-a je rekao da su u
pocetku bili u nedoumici u pogledu licnih
podataka i odlucili su da ih drze u zemlji, ali
da moraju da slede i pravila Gasprom Njefta
koji je vlasnik NIS-a, istakavsi da se granice
lagano pomeraju, da je taj proces nezaustav-
ljiv a globalizacija podataka neizbezna.
Pitanje e biti samo standardi i procedure
koje se moraju usaglasiti da bi se onemoguile
zloupotrebe. Pridruzivanje EU e to olaksati
i u sledeoj iteraciji NIS e koristiti resenje u
vidu centra globalnog servisnog deska.
Radi je pod utiskom jedne prezen-
tacije poljskog poverenika na temu zastite
podataka iz javnog sektora u racunarskom
oblaku kao jednoj od prepreka za razvijanje
poverenja u korisenje IT usluga, preporucio
da se za podizanje nivoa bezbednosti poda-
taka ima u vidu i narodna poslovica da sva
jaja ipak ne treba drzati u istoj korpi.
Dobrijevi smatra da je za pridobijanje
poverenja i motivisanje korisnika izuzetno
vazno da korisnik bude zadovoljan a to znaci
da ponueni servisi treba da budu kvalite-
tni, da sve radi, da je sigurno i da je jeftinije.
Ministarstvo ocekuje da e do kraja godine
biti donet Zakon o informacionoj bezbed-
nosti, a formulisae i smernice u vezi bez-
bednosti podataka drzavnih organa, slicno
onome sto je uradila Narodna banka. One
e sadrzati preporuke koje nee biti obaveze,
ali e moi da se koriste za pisanje zahteva
ponuacima poput Atosa (u slucaju tendera) i
sprovoenje organizacionih mera (sto se tre-
nutno slabo praktikuje). Po uzoru na primer
da je danas u Beogradu cak 90% drzavnih or-
gana povezano na mrezu Republicke uprave
za zajednicke poslove i zadovoljno je njome,
uprkos pocetnom protivljenju, Dobrijevi
ocekuje da e se i povezivanje na drzavni
oblak postepeno odvijati na isti nacin i da
e glavni problem biti da se svima obezbede
potrebni resursi.
Pomenimo na kraju da je ovaj i
inace optimisticki obojen skup zavrsen u
nesvakidasnjem vedrom tonu predavanjem
novinara, pisca, scenariste i marketinskog
strucnjaka Voje Zanetia.
all three panellists the same question how to
develop confidence in the system of using IT
services and move and motivate internal or
external users to take the same direction?
Mr Marjanovi from NIS said that in
the beginning, they were in doubt with regard
to personal data and decided to store them in
the country, but they had to follow the rules
of Gasprom Njeft, the owner of NIS, pointing
out that the limits were slowly moving, and
that process was unstoppable, while the
globalization of the data was inevitable.
The only issue would be the standards and
procedures that had to be harmonized in order
to prevent abuse. The process of joining EU
would make it easier and in the next version,
NIS would use the solution such as the global
service desk.
Under the impression of a presentation
by a Polish Commissioner on the topic of
protection of data from public sector in a
computer cloud as one of the barrier towards
gaining confidence in using ITI services,
regarding the increase of the data safety level,
Mr Radi recommended to bear in mind the
saying that all the eggs but should not be kept
in the same basket.
Mr Dobrijevi said that for gaining
confidence and motivating users, it is very
important that a user is satisfied, which
means that offered services should be of a high
quality, with everything running perfectly,
safe and cost efficient. The Ministry expects
that until the end of this year, the Law on
Information Safety will be adopted, together
with formulated guidelines regarding state
administration data safety, similar to the
solution of the National Bank. They will
include recommendations that will not be
obligatory, but can be used for submitting
requests to providers such as Atos (in case
of a tender call) and implementation of
organization measures (which is currently less
practices). Based on the fact that in Belgrade,
even 90% of state bodies are connected to the
network of the Republic Administration for
Joint Services and are satisfied with it despite
the initial opposition, Mr Dobrijevi expects
that connection to the state cloud will progress
gradually in the same manner and that the
main problem will be providing necessary
resources to everybody.
At the end, let us mention this optimistic
gathering was concluded in an unusually
cheerful tone of presentation by Mr Voja
Zaneti, a journalist, writer, screenwriter,
and marketing expert.