Kad se posle devet meseci osvrnem na
to sto je uraeno mogu da istaknem neko-
liko koristi za NIS: dobili smo stabilne i
fleksibilne usluge po meri naseg poslovanja,
ne bavimo se vise nabavkama racunarske
opreme ni upravljanjem ljudima koji to rade,
ve upravljanjem uslugama, a najznacajnije
je to sto smo dobili pouzdanog partnera
sposobnog da nas prati u razvoju, regional-
nom i bilo kom drugom. Zahvaljujui svemu
tome kompanija ima vise prostora da se bavi
svojim osnovnim poslom. S obzirom na br-
zinu kojom se nase operacije sire u regionu
bilo bi i neracionalno i nemogue da sa istim
kvalitetom usluga pokrijemo sve sto radimo,
ali zahvaljujui razgranatoj mrezi naseg par-
tnera vrlo brzo smo posle prve odluke doneli
i odluku da prosirimo operacije.
Dodajui da je Atos na pomenutom
tenderu pobedio dve velike kompanije ­ IBM
i HP, Stoki je Mihajlovia zamolio da nesto
kaze o isplativosti celog projekta i ustadama
koje je eventualno doneo, kao i da li su za-
dovoljni svojim partnerom. Mihajlovi je
odgovorio da se poslovanje sa oslanjanjem
na spoljne IT usluge pokazalo jeftinijim od
samostalnog obavljanja IT usluga, a sto se
zadovoljstva partnerom tice, rekao je da o
technological and system sub-projects and
all together it was the key for changing the
perception of us as the user and people who
are providing services.
When after nine months I look back at
what had been done, I can underline several
benefits for NIS: we have got stabile and flexible
services customized according to our business,
we are no longer dealing with procurement
of computer equipment or managing people
who do that, but managing services, and the
most important thing is that we have got a
reliable partner capable of keeping up with us
regarding the development, both regional and
every other. Thanks to all of that, our company
has more room to deal with its core business.
Given the speed our operations expand in the
region, it would be irrational and impossible to
cover everything we do with the same quality
of services, but thanks to out partner's wide
network, after the first decision, we quickly
decided to expand our operations.
Adding that at the tender call, Atos
was better that two large companies ­ IBM
i HP, Mr Stoki asked Mr Mihajlovi to say
something about the profitability of the whole
projects and the savings it has bought, as well
as whether they are satisfied with their new
Marjanovi: U protekle tri godine koliko sam
u NIS-u, kompanija se drasticno promenila,
prakticno do nivoa neprepoznavanja. Da bi se
jedna tako velika kompanija toliko promenila,
naravno na bolje, bila je neophodna jasna
vizija njenog rukovodstva koja je potom
pretvorena u njenu poslovnu strategiju i
posluzila kao osnov za sreivanje svih delova
NIS-a, pri cemu posebno isticem IT.
Mr Marjanovic: In the last three years I
spent in NIS, the company has changed
significantly, up to the level at which it has
been completely changed. In order for such
a large company to change so drastically,
towards the positive side, of course, its
management team had to have a clear
vision, which was later transformed into its
business strategy and served as a basis for
reorganization of all parts of NIS, where
I would particularly like to mention the IT