New Perspectives on the
urednika na RTS-u, o tehnoloskom po-
dvigu Atosa na proslogodisnjim olimpijskim
i paraolimpijskim igrama u Londonu, kao
i izuzetno koristan jednosatni okrugli sto
posveen pruzanju IT usluga i bezbednosti
podataka, o kome emo vas detaljnije izve-
stiti u nastavku.
Na pocetku susreta prisutnima se obra-
tio Dragan Stoki, direktor kompanije Atos
Srbija, rekavsi da se u ovo vreme krize, kad
organizacije i kompanije tesko mogu da ost-
vare dodatne profite na bazi organskog rasta
accomplishment on the last year's Olympic
and Paralympic Games in London, as well
as an extremely useful one-hour round table
dedicated to IT services provision and data
safety, which we will further discuss later.
At the beginning of the gathering, the
attendees were addressed by Mr Dragan
Stoki, CEO at Atos Serbia, who said that in
this time of crisis, when organizations and
companies have troubles achieving additional
profits on the basis of organic growth
and development, people usually turn to
Mr Dragan Stokic,
CEO at Atos Serbia