sirom Evrope kroz svoj projekat ,,profesio-
nalne kompetencije" u e-Evropi. Cilj je bio da
se razvije i implementira vizija za upravljanje
vestinama i uoce neusklaenosti i nedosta-
ci koji ugrozavaju konkurentnost Evrope i
njenu produktivnost.
basic building blocks: bodies of knowledge,
educational skills, trainings and professional
ethics .
The European e-Competence
Nadovezujui se na uspeh ove inici-
jative, CEPIS u prolee 2013. lansira CEPIS
e-kompetencija Benchmark, besplatni online
interaktivni alat koji e omoguiti sadasnjim
i buduim IKT profesionalcima da identi-
In the mid-nineties CEPIS proposed the
establishment of a Workshop on ICT Skills
within CEN, the European Committee for
Standardization, which came to life in 2003.
Since then CEPIS has been continuously
chairing the Workshop and has been heavily
involved in its activities. One of the most
considerable output of the CEN Workshop
on ICT skills was the development of the
European e-Competence Framework (e-CF), a
set of 36 ICT competences that are commonly
understandable across all countries in
Over the past years CEPIS started
to use the e-CF to identify and analyse the
e-competences of IT professionals across
Europe through its project Professional
e-Competence in Europe. The objective was to
develop and implement a vision to manage the
skills mismatches and shortfalls that threaten
Predstavnici ICT asocijacija 35 zemalja Evrope na 50-tom sastanku /
Representatives of the European ICT associations